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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
IQI6] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 185 has passed between Professor Schmidt and Mr. Neff, copies of which I have before me. You will note that this is not a continuing investigation, but one covering a definite series of tests. In other respects it is similar to several cooperative undertakings already reported to you and approved both by you and by the Board of Trustees. In view of this fact and in view also of the limited amount of work involved, I am authorizing Professor Schmidt to proceed in accordance therewith. I trust that this will meet your approval. Believe me, very truly yours, W. F. M. Goss November 24, 1916 President Edmund J. James, University of Illinois M Y DEAR PRESIDENT J A M E S : Among the possibilities which are open to the locomotive designer fol improving the efficiency of the steam locomotive is one involving the introduction of a feed-water heater. Such heaters are as yet not commonly employed in locomotive service, and there are just now various agencies which are actively at work in an endeavor to secure their introduction. Theoretical considerations show that a feed-water heater which can be installed and maintained upon a locomotive, and which can be made of sufficient capacity to perform a maximum function in heating feed-water, will very materially improve the performance of a steam locomotive. With these facts in mind, the Committee on Locomotive Feed-Water Pleating of the International Railway Fuel Association, as represented by its Chairman, Mr. Monro B. Lanier, has proposed that tests be made at the University covering a single type of heater, in which he and others, especially Mr. Walter Off, Hippodrome Building, Peoria, Illinois, are interested. It is proposed that tests be made upon the University's Locomotive No. 431 at such time as may be convenient to the laboratory, probably late in the coming winter or early in the spring, under the usual terms governing cooperative work by the Engineering Experiment Station, namely: 1. The Engineering Experiment Station will supply the facilities of the laboratory and such expert assistance as may be necessary to administer the work. It will also supply the use of its Locomotive No. 431. 2. All results secured from the investigation will be the property of the Engineering Experiment Station. They may be published as Station bulletins, or otherwise, as may be determined by the Director. The results also will at all times be open to the inspection and use of Mr. Lanier or other representatives of the Committee. 3. Mr. Lanier and his associates will supply the funds necessary to equip the locomotive for the tests and to meet the cost of fuel, supplies, and labor involved by the tests, and of the process of working up the data; a
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