Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
174 (8) BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 22, REGULATIONS CONCERNING DOGS T h e following statement: Like other institutions, the University of Illinois has had difficulty with the regulation and control of dogs running at large on the campus or on the farms of the University. It is a curious fact that dog law seems to be an undeveloped subject in most civilized countries and in nearly all of our American states, but it seems to be clear that an owner of property may insist that dogs shall not be allowed to trespass on it. I think the Board of Trustees should take some further action concerning this matter. On motion of Mrs. Henrotin, the Supervising Architect was authorized and directed to post notices at convenient places on the campus and on the farms to the effect that dogs are not permitted in the buildings or on other property of the University. STEVENS COLLECTION OF PORTO RICAN FUNGI (9) A letter from Dr. Frank L. Stevens, Professor of Plant Pathology, presenting to the University his entire collection of Porto Rican Fungi comprised in two lots, the first consisting of some seven thousand numbers collected during a prolonged residence in Porto Rico, and the second lot of approximately like number collected in the summer of 1915. On motion of Mrs. Evans, this gift was accepted and the thanks of the Board extended to Professor Stevens for his generosity. SEMI-CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION ( i o ) Suggestions from Professor H. J. Barton, chairman of the committee on the Celebration of the Semi-centennial Anniversary of the University of Illinois, on behalf of the committee: (a) T h a t the University adopt a new seal and that its use begin in 1918. (b) T h a t a medal be struck in commemoration of this event. On motion of Miss Watson, the committee was requested to submit to the Board of Trustees for its consideration possible designs for a new seal and for a medal commemorative of the Fiftieth Anniversary. At this point, Mrs. Busey and Mr. Small withdrew. SEMI-CENTENNIAL PAGEANT (11) A communication from Mr. William Chandler Langdon to the committee on the Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the opening of the University of Illinois, concerning a proposed pageant. Mr. Langdon, who was employed by the University and the State of Indiana to prepare the pageants in connection with the fiftieth anniversary of the University and the one hundredth anniversary of the admission of the state to the Union, has worked out a careful scheme. According to his plan the pageant