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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
8 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 2i9 Attention is again called t o the fact that if the Board approves this budget it cannot add to the sum total 'by later appropriations unless it is willing to borrow money or to close the fiscal year with a deficit. It should be noted again that under this scheme the major part of the expense i o r the Women's ^Residence liall, for the Education Building, for the Smith Memorial Music Hall, and for the Horticulture Field Group will be carried over as a Gharg^ on t h e appropriations for t h e biennium beginning July i, 1917. PART I—EXPENSE BUDGET SUMMARY, INCOME AND EXJPENSE A. iOotal estimated income ............ , .... B. Total estimated expenditure .-..-.. -..,. ... @almve..~.......~M~t...-. A. I. Federal Sources 1. Endowment fund 2. Morrill fund 3. Nelson fund 4. Hatch fund 5. A d a m s i u n d 6. Smith-Lever i u n d Total, Federal sources II. 'State Appropriations of Receipts from the Mill Tax 7. Land, buildings, equipment, reconstruction, repairs 463,500.00 8. Administrative offices , 80,855.00 9. -General departments 118,450.00 ro. Instruction, books, etc ;i,319,945.00 TT. Research and scientific departments 103,000.00 12. Operation and maintenance of physical plant... 231,750.00 13. 'General and -contingent 257,629:05 Total, from state mill tax receipts 2,575,129.05 5,000.00 INCOME , .$ 32,450.65 ,. 25,000.00 25,000.00 15,000.00 15,000^00 58,184*03 $1701634.68 - $3,276180843 3,274,473.10 .$ 2,335.33 . IN. interest on Daily Bank Balances 14. Interest , , IV. Departmental S a l e s 15. College of Agriculture and Agricultural Experiment Station a. College .,.......$95,000 b. Station 31.200 Total sales, college and station. 126,200.00
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