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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1916] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. $705 50 4 25 $34 00 54 00 4 50 66 00 11 00 60 78 * 9 200 00 00 75 00 25 00 $1,177 50 376 172 54 721 95 . 13 13,256 239 905 253 94 267 589 376 6 52 1,068 402 40 34 570 546 50 00 50 00 00 50 50 50 50 00 75 00 50 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 50 $74 50 7 50 1 00 17 00 819 50 75 7 00 13 75 8 00 14 38 38 00 2 50 11 50 10 50 27 00 31 25 $1,009 63 927 Music Fees— 83 @ $8.50 1 @ $4.25 (one-half) Refund 4 @ $8.50 6 @ $9 Refund 1 @ $4.50 (one-half) 6 @ $11 Refund 2 @ $5.50 (one-half) 4 @ $15 4 @ $19.50 1 @ $9.75 (one-half) 8 @ $25 Refund 1 @ $25 Total, music fees , Laboratory Fees— Architecture Architectural engineering Bacteriology Botany Ceramics Chemistry Civil engineering , Electrical engineering . . Entomology General engineering drawing Geology Household science Mechanical engineering Mining engineering Municipal and sanitary engineering . Physics Physiology Photography Psychology Theoretical and applied mechanics . . Zoology Total, laboratory fees Listener's Fees— 9 @ $7.50 Special Examination Fees— 108 @ $5 Refund 1 @ $5 Late Registration Fees— 116 @ $1 Refund 6 @ $1 Change Fees— 455 @ $1 Refund 3 @ $1 Diploma Fees— 2 @ $5 Total, special fees. $1,103 00 369 171 54 704 95 12,437 238 898 239 86 253 551 374 6 52 1,056 392 40 34 543 515 00 00 50 00 00 00 75 50 75 00 37 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 25 $20,120 25 67 50 540 00 $19,110 62 67 50 5 00 535 00 110 00 452 00 10 00 116 00 eoo 455 00 " 3 " 66 10 00 , $1,188 50 $14 00 $1,174 50 $90,864 25 $5,023 38 Total fees . . . . APPOINTMENTS TO F I L L VACANCIES. 85,840 87 The Secretary presented also for record the following list of appointments made by President James: Anderegg,* F. O., Research Assistant in Chemistry, beginning as soon as he reports for duty and continuing until June 30, 1916, at a salary of ninety dollars ($90) a month. (February 12, 1916.)t Baldwin, F. M., Assistant in Zoology in the Summer Session of 1916, at a remuneration of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) for the session. (March 7, 1916.) Berninger, Harriet, Assistant in Education in the Summer Session of 1916, at a remuneration of two hundred dollars ($200) for the session. (March 7, 1916.) Bond, Ethel, Instructor in the Summer Session of the Library School of 1916, at a remuneration of two hundred dollars ($200) for the session. (February 15, 1916.) Choisser, R. M., Student Assistant in Anatomy in the College of Medicine, to give six hours service a week for sixteen weeks, at a remuneration of fifty cents (.50)an hour. (February 21, 1916.) Cloud, Eva, Lecturer in the Summer Session of the Library School for 1916, for one week, at a remuneration of forty-five dollars ($45) for the week. (February 15, 1916.) Crown, Astricl E., University Stenographer, Rank 2, in the Office of the Purchasing Agent of the College of Medicine, at a salary of fifty dollars ($50) a * Appointment made by Vice President Kinley. f The date in parenthesis is the date on which the appointment was made by the President to the Vice President of the University.
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