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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
920 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Mar. 14, Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Small, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Carr, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Trevett, Mr. Ward. A P P O I N T M E N T OF PROF. C. M. YOUNG. (11) A recommendation that the President of the University be given authority to appoint Mr. Clinton M. Young to be Assistant Professor of Mining Research at a salary- of twenty-four hundred dollars a year, beginning when he may report for duty and terminating July 1, 1917, in place of Prof. S. O. Andros, resigned. On motion of Mr. Blair, this appointment was authorized. L E A V E OF A B S E N C E FOR PROF. GREEN. (12) A request from Prof. Frederick Green of the College of Law for leave of absence on half-pay for the academic year 1916-17, under the general rules of the University. On motion of Mrs. Busey, the President of the University was authorized to grant this request, provided satisfactory arrangements are made for Prof. Green's work during his absence. S M I T H SCHOLARSHIPS I N MUSIC. (13) The following statement: When Capt. Thomas J. ,Smith conveyed to the Board of Trustees certain farm lands from the proceeds of which a building for the use of the School of Music might be erected, he requested that four free scholarships be granted annually in the School of Music for "young women who may seek a musical education but who are unable to pay the customary charges for instruction in music." He indicated also a preference that these scholarships should be assigned to candidates from Champaign County, or, in default of candidates from this county, to young women from other counties in Illinois. The Registrar of the University has drafted the following regulations concerning these scholarships, in accordance with the rules governing other scholarships and embodying Capt. Smith's wishes in regard to the manner of their assignment. REGULATIONS. 1. These scholarships shall be good for one year and shall exempt their holders during this period from matriculation, incidental, and music fees. 2. A person who during her year of tenure of one of these scholarships shall make an average grade of 85 in all subjects shall be eligible for reappointment to it for a second year, and on the same basis may be reappointed for a third year and a fourth year. 3. Each applicant for original appointment to one of these scholarships shall present a recommendation from a principal of a high school accredited to the University of Illinois, certifying that she is a graduate of the said high school, that she is a student of ability and promise, and that in the judgment of the principal of the high school she is unable to pay the customary charges for instruction in music. 4. Each applicant for original appointment to. one of these scholarships shall pass the University entrance examinations in the following subjects: English composition and rhetoric, 1 unit; algebra, 1 unit; Latin or French or German, 2 units; music, 2 units ; these examinations to be taken with the regular fall entrance examinations of the University. The scholarships shall be awarded to the candidates from Champaign County who make the highest average grade in these four examinations. In case the number of successful candidates from Champaign County is fewer than the number of available scholarships, the remaining scholarships shall be awarded to the candidates from other counties in Illinois having the highest average grade in these four examinations. But no scholarship shall be awarded to any candidate who fails to make a passing grade (70) in any one of the four subjects of the.examination. 5. A candidate for original appointment must also satisfy in full the entrance requirements of the School of Music as stated in the University catalog, and must matriculate in that school for the fall semester immediately succeeding the examination. 6. No person who has attended the University of Illinois shall be eligible for original appointment to one of these scholarships. On motion of Miss Watson, these regulations were approved. U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S DIRECTORY. (14) The following statement: The University of Illinois Directory, on which we have been working for some two and one-half years, is now ready to send to press. It will contain about 35,000 names of persons who have been connected with the University as students, faculty members, administrative officers, and Trustees. The book will contain a concise biography of each person, with degrees, institutions attended, chief positions held, present address, and occupation. Names will be listed alphabetically and geographically. , „ _ A , ^ . ,. It is recommended that the contract be assigned to the Pantagraph Printing and Stationery Company of Bloomington. 111., the lowest bidder, in accordance with the contract herewith submitted. The cost for four thousand copies is4 estimated to be $4,534.38, exclusive of author's corrections. On motion of Mr. Small, the Comptroller was authorized to award this contract to the Pantagraph Printing and Stationery Company, and the sum
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