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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
.1916] PROCEEDINGS OE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. S C H E D U L E 34. 905 STATEMENT OF THE ACCOUNTS FOR THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES AS AT DEC. 31, 1915. Appropriations. Salaries Administration., -- - • • Art and Design. Astronomy • Bacteriology Botany Chemistry Classics Education English Entomology Geology German History Journalism Mathematics Philosophy , Physiology Political Science Psychology Romance Language. Sociology Zoology MuseumsClassical European Culture. Natural History... Total. Schedule 3 , $402,251 35 2,600 00 800 00 800 00 2,900 00 6,800 00 36,420 00 550 00 2,500 00 1,800 00 1,600 00 1,600 00 200 00 300 00 2,500 00 700 00 100 00 3.375 00 125 00 1,100 00 250 00 303 75 6,950 00 5,003 58 5.094 40 5,000 00 , $491,623 08 Disburse, ments. $185,449 65 620 43 321 57 97 24 1,264 12 3,589 05 25,880 18 75 58 1,231 99 736 84 482 69 455 33 95 62 188 35 2.427 12 Encumbrances. $216,801 70 . 5 50 160 55 13 45 1,321 97 2,748 88 12.196 68 119 10 39 05 3 00 190 65 224 05 2 00 5 00 105 50 128 65 3 00 705 05 65 27 105 95 2 25 955 20 760 00 232 20 533 28 Balances. $1,974 07 317 88 689 31 313 91 462 07 t* 1,656 86 355 32 1,228 96 1,060 16 102 38 106 65 *32 62 299 93 49 51 2,022 13 98 36 854 81 71 99 33 82 4,321 44 3.630 51 3.504 75 4,007 02 271 42 48 49 647 82 26 64 179 92 72 06 266 68 1,673 36 613 07 1,357 45 459 70 $228,532 37 I $237,427 93 . I I $25,662 78 * Overdraft, *t On account of import orders held up. S C H E D U L E 35. STATEMENT OF THE ACCOUNTS FOR THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AND EXPERIMENT STATION AS AT DEC. 31, 1915. Appropriations. BuildingsGeneral Clinic Building 1912-13 Cold Storage 1912-13 CollegeAdministration Agricultural extension Agronomy (Schedule 351) Animal Husbandry (Schedule 352) Dairy Husbandy (Schedule 353) Horticulture (Schedule 354) Household Science Household Science—cafeteria Animal Husbandry—specimens (Schedule 352) StationAgronomy—soils (Schedule 351) Horticulture (Schedule 354) United States Experiment S t a t i o n Adams F u n d Administration Animal Husbandry (Schedule 352) — Horticulture (Schedule 354) Disbursements. Encumbrances. • Balances. $15,819 97 4,925 72 9.000 00 15,912 62 20,793 33 55,631 76 72,397 45 70.162 79 57,892 47 29,091 75 10,813 10 3,290 81 2,456 11 1 20,707 05 100,724 17 44,851 08 31,615 57 29,400 22 2,000 00 8,500 00 4,500 00 904 58 $ 218 33 $14,550 00 $ 1.051 64 4,925 72 9,000 00 5,311 29 3,170 58 12,723 94 17,426 37 11,938 54 9,335 45 3,939 85 2,519 14 2,728 28 2,156 52 *24 20,749 8.680 8,834 3.326 76 69 55 98 85 1 7,517 33 10,590 55 25,723 75 32,973 16 44,996 25 29,680 49 13,069 64 6,368 83 562 53 299 59 12,620 63 47,630 58 27.951 99 17,441 98 13.364 56 600 00 3,338 80 3,553 44 79 84 3,084 7,032 17,184 21,997 13,228 18.876 12,082 1.925 00 20 07 92 00 53 26 13 8,111 18 32,343 90 8,218 54 5.338 61 12,708 81 1.300 00 2,247 34 901 66 100 00 2.913 86 44 90 824 73
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