Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1915] PB00EJ3DIJNGS OJ? THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. ', 861 R E S O L U T I O N S , I L L I N O I S SOCIETY OF A R C H I T E C T S . (8) Resolutions passed in November by the Illinois Society of Architects to the following effect: "That it be the sense of the Illinois Society of Architects that the School of Architecture be taken out of the College of Engineering and be given its proper place in the curriculum." No action was taken in this matter. E X A M I N A T I O N IN E N G L I S H LITERATURE. (9) A recommendation from the University Senate that the item "English literature, 2 units" be omitted from the list of examinations required of applicants for admission who present 15 units from accredited high schools, but who are not .graduates of such schools. On motion of Mr. Carr, this recommendation was concurred in. T H E CURRICULUM IN MUSIC. (10) A recommendation from the University Senate tliat the following changes t>e made in the curriculum of the School of Music: 1'. That the number of credit hours in the major subject be made four instead of six each semester for two lessons a week. 2. That the minor required for each of the four years. 3. That Education to be required in the second semester of either the junior -or the senior year. On motion of Miss Watson, these changes were authorized. SIX-YEAR CURRICULUM IN SCIENCE A N D DENTISTRY. (11) A recommendation from the University Senate that a six-year curriculum in Science and Dentistry be established, the first three years to be taken at Urbana «.nd the last three in Chicago, the graduate to receive the degrees of Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Dental Surgery at the end of the six years. On motion of Miss Watson, this curriculum was authorized. L E A V E OF A B S E N C E FOR MR. O. S. W A T K I N S . (12) A request from Prof. J. C. Blair, endorsed by Dean Davenport, that Mr. O. S. Watkins, of the Department of Horticulture, be granted leave of absence on full pay for four months. Mr. Watkins has been connected with the University for about ten years but has seldom taken a vacation. In view of the fact that he is in ill health, this request does not seem to be unreasonable. On motion of Mr. Carr, this request was granted. S I T E FOR SCHOOL OF P H A R M A C Y . (13) A recommendation that the following properties in Chicago be purchased to provide adequate housing facilities and also for extension of buildings to take -care of the School of Pharmacy and such other departments as may be located on this property : 1. The lot at the southeast' corner of South Wood and Flournoy Streets. 75 123.79 feet, with a four-story brick building occupied by the Jenner Medical College, including the properties numbered 701, 703, and 705 South Wood Street. Price, $16,100 and certain expenses for commission, abstract, and guarantee of title. 2. The property immediately south of No. 1, being a lot 51.25 by 123.79 feet, with a three-story building formerly occupied by the Chicago Homeopathic Hospital and later by the Detention Hospital; the building is number 711 South Wood Street. Price, $9,240 and expenses for commission, abstract, and guarantee of title. 3. The property immediately south of No. 2, being 75 by 123.79 feet, with three small buildings numbered 713, 717, and 719 South Wood Street. Price, $10,250 and •expenses for commission, abstract, and guarantee of title. I think the second and third properties should be obtained for a smaller sum, altho they will be worth to the University the price named. I estimate that it will cost about $25,000 to put the buildings in satisfactory condition for use. This will make approximately $60,000. The property is all needed at the present time. Its acquisition will enable the University to put in a hothouse and an experimental plot for growing medicinal plants—both of which are needed for the work in pharmacy. , It appears that the Executive Committee purchased the Jenner Medical School property last week, subject to the approval of the board. I recommend that this action be approved, and that the President of the board be authorized to purchase the other properties within the prices named above. On motion of Mr. Carr, the action of the Executive Committee in purchasing the Jenner property was approved and the sum of $16,600 was appropriated to pay for this property. The vote was as follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Ward, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Small, Mr. Trevett.