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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
800 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Aug. 4, $1,700 1,400 1,080 660 $20,840 00 00 00 00 00 Abner R. Knight, Associate in Electrical Engineering (2 years from Sept. 1, 1915) John W. Davis, Instructor in Electrical Engineering (10 months) . . . Walter S. Goodspeed, Mechanician (C. S.) Eleanor M. Glenn, Clerk (C. S.) , Total, Electrical Engineering General Engineering Drawing. Harry W. Miller, Assistant Professor of General Engineering Drawing (3 years from Sept. 1, 1913), and Assistant Dean of the College of Engineering (1 year) Robert K. Steward, Associate in General Engineering Drawing (2 years from Sept. 1, 1915) Francis M. Porter, Associate in General Engineering Drawing (2 years from Sept. 1, 1915) Harvey H. Jordan, Associate in General Engineering Drawing (2 years from Sept. 1, 1915) , •. Rufus Crane, Instructor in General Engineering Drawing (10 months) Albert P. Westlund, Instructor in General Engineering Drawing (10 months) Clarence A. Atwell, Instructor in General Engineering Drawing (10 months) Robert E. Murphy, half-time Assistant in General Engineering Drawing (10 months) Total, General Engineering Drawing 2,400 00 2,000 00 1,600 00 1,600 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 300 00 $10,900 00 5,500 00 3,500 00 3,500 00 3,500 00 3,000 00 2,700 00 1,800 1,600 1,600 1,400 00 00 00 00 Mechanical Engineering. Charles R. Richards, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, in charge of the department (Indef.) George A. Goodenough, Professor of Thermodynamics (Indef.) Louis A. Harding, Professor of Experimental Mechanical Engineering (Indef.) Bruce W. Benedict, Director of Shop Laboratories (Indef.) Oscar A. Leutwiler, Professor of Machine Design (Indef.) Arthur C. Willard, Assistant Professor of Heating and Ventilation (3 years from Sept. 1, 1913) John A. Dent, Associate in Mechanical Engineering (2 years from Sept. 1, 1915) Arthur B. Domonoske, Instructor in Machine Design (10 m o n t h s ) . . Harry W. ^Waterfall, Instructor in Machine Design (10.months) Harry F. Godeke, Instructor in Mechanical Engineering (10 months) Frederick C. Torrance, Instructor in Mechanical Engineering (10 months) Edwin Frank, Instructor in Mechanical Engineering (10 months). . Horatio S. McDewell, Instructor in Mechanical Engineering (10 . months) Edgar T. Lanham, Instructor in Forge Work (10 months) Robert E. Kennedy, Instructor in Foundry Practise (10 m o n t h s ) . . . . Gustav H. Radebaugh, Instructor in Machine Shop Practise (10 months) Gustave A. Gross, Instructor in Pattern Making (10 months) J. Harvey Hogue, Instructor in Foundry Practise (10 months) Jeremiah A. DeTurk, Instructor in Machine Shop Practice (10 months) James M. Duncan, Assistant in Pattern Making (10 months) Peter J. Rebman, Assistant in Forge Work (10 months) John A. Frisk, Assistant in Mechanical Engineering, and Mechanician in Mechanical Engineering Laboratory (12 months) W. E. Alley, Mechanician in Mechanical Engineering Laboratory (C. S.) J. O. Lonius, Mechanician in the Shop Laboratories (C. S.) B. L. Winchester, Toolroom Attendant in Mechanical Engineering Laboratory (C. S.) : , Toolroom Attendant in Machine Shop (C. S.) , Toolroom Attendant in Wood Shop (C. S.) , Vice Postlewait, Clerk (C. S.) 1,200 00 1,300 00 1,300 00 1,200 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 1,200 00 1,300 00 900 00 90000 1,100 00 1,200 00 1,080 00 650 600 600 600 00 00 00 00 Total, Mechanical Engineering $47,730 00 Mining Engineering. Harry H. Stoek. Professor of Mining Engineering, in charge of the department (Indef.) * 5,000 00 Elmer A. Holbrook, Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering (3 years from Sept, 1, 1913) 2,750 00 Stephen O. Andros,* Assistant Professor of Mining Research (1 year from Sent. 1, 1915) Alfred C. Callen, Instructor in Mining Engineering (10 m o n t h s ) . . . . 1,500 00 , Mechanician in the Department of Mining Engineer- • ing (C. S . ) . . . 900 00 Florence A. Nyberg, Clerk (C. S.) 660 00 Total * Salary under Coal Mining Investigations. $10,810 00
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