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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
792 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. X V I . SCHOOL OF P H A R M A C Y . [ A u g . 4, $10,740 00 $ 500 1,000 1,000 2,200 1,575 $ 780 6,000 500 25 ' 00 00 00 00 00 6,275 00 00 00 00 00 7,305 00 $24,320 00 1. Salaries 2. Expense and equipment— Tuition and laboratory fee refunds Equipment Printing, postage, etc Laboratory supplies Miscellaneous Total, expense and equipment 3. Physical plant— Wages Rent Heat and light Incidentals Total, physical plant ... Total, School of Pharmacy X V I I . O T H E R COLLEGES A N D D E P A R T M E N T S . 1. College of Law Library 2. School of Library Science Summer Session 3. School of Music 4. Summer Session Totals Salaries. $24,100 00 7,825 650 17,600 22*500 00 00 00 00 Expense and equipment. $3,300 00 5,000 00 1,175 00 1,860 00 2,500 00 $13,835 00 Total. $32,400 00 9,650 00 19,460 00 25,000 00 $86,510 00 $72,675 00 P A R T I I . S A L A R Y BUDGET. O F F I C E OF T H E P/RESIDENT. Edmund J. James, President Edward J. Filbey, Private Secretary to the President (exempt) months) Vergil V. Phelps, Executive Secretary (C. S.) Albert R. Lee, Clerk (C. S.) Anna Whitson, University Secretary (C. S.) ... 1 University Secretary (C. S.) Total, President's office. O F F I C E OF T H E V I C E PRESIDENT. (12 $12,000 00 2,200 2,000 1,200 900 1,200 00 00 00 00 00 $19,500 00 1 David Kinley,* Vice President (1 year), I>ean of the Graduate School (1 year), and Professor of Economics (Indef.) REGISTRAR'S O F F I C E . $1,000 00 $3,500 00 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,600 1,000 840 900 840 660 600 840 480 $17,260 $5,500 2,000 600 1,020 900 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Charles M. McConn, Registrar (C. S.) Harrison E. Cunningham, Assistant Registrar, Secretary of the Board of Trustees (C. S.) Ira M. Smith, Examiner (C. S.) George P. Tuttle, Assistant Examiner (C. S.) Levi A. Boice, Recorder (C. S.) Tabitha J. Broadhurst, Assistant Recorder (C. S.) , Assistant Recorder (C. S.) Lois M. Miles, University Secretary (C. S.) Gertrude E. Johnson, University Stenographer, Rank 2 (C. S.) Daisy Swearingen, University Stenographer, Rank 2 (C. S.) , University Stenographer, Rank 2 (C. S.) Allie B. Lamb, Filing Clerk (C. S.) —, Clerk and Messenger (C. S.) . Total OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF MEN. Thomas Arkle Clark,t Dean of Men (1 year) and Professor of Rhetoric (Indef.) r Arthur Ray Warnock, Assistant Dean of Men (12 months) , Elmer Ellsworth Piero, Student Clerk (12 months) Sue M. Pair, University Secretary (exempt) (12 months) , , University Secretary (C. S.) Total O F F I C E OF T H E D E A N OF W O M E N . $10,020 00 $1,750 00 800 00 $2,500 00 Martha Jackson Kyle,$ Acting Dean of Women (1 year) : , Vice Strong, Secretary and Stenographer (exempt) year) Total • * Total salary $7,000; balance ($6,000) under Graduate School. t Total salary $6,000; balance ($500) charged to department of English. j Total salary $2,000; balance ($250) received as instructor in English. (1
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