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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
80 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [July 11, In Architecture. Alexander Rudolph Brandner, B.S., 1913. In Architectural Engineering. William Sidney Wolfe, B.S., 1913. In Botany. Reed Oshea Brigham, B.S., Ohio State University, 1912. In Chemistry. Theodore Roily.Ball, B.S., Drake UniFloyd William Mohlman, B.S., 1912. versity, 1908. Gertrude Niederman, B.S., 1908. Laurence Vreeland Burton, B.S., 1911. Karr Parker, B.S., Carthage College, !Edgar Wallace Engle, B.S., Drury Col1913. lege, 1912. Clarence Scholl, B.S., 1913. Laurence Fleming Foster, A.B., Albion Fred Wilbur Tanner, B.S., Wesleyan College, 1910. University, 1912. Charles K. Hewes, B.S., 1912. Ernest Atkins Wildman, B.S., Earlham Milford Everett Hinds, B.S., NorthCollege, 1912. western University, 1912. In Civil Engineering. George Paul Boomsliter, B.S., Michigan Agricultural College, 1906. In Dairy Husbandry. William Wodin Yapp, B.S., 1911. In Electrical Engineering. Rudolph McDermet, B.S., 1912. Herman Carl Wolf, B.S., 1913. Howard Mathews, B.S., 1913. In Entomology. Philip Garman, B.S., Kentucky State Newton Lyman Partridge, B.S., 1913. University, 1913. In Horticulture. John Joseph Gardner, B.S., Massachusetts Agricultural College, 1905, B.S1., Boston University, 1912. In Mathematics. Clarence Mark Herbert, B.S., Otterbein Archie Oliver Heck, B.S., Hedding ColUniversity, 1911. lege, 1913. ' In Physics. William Harry Bair, B.S., Ohio NorthStetfan Fugta Tanabe, B.S., Knox Colern University, 1908. lege, 1911. In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Lewis Nebinger Fisher, B.S., 1912. ' Howard Rice Thomas, C.E., University George Alfred Maney, C.E., University of Texas, 1912. of Minnesota, 1911. In Zoology. Elizabeth Mae Gittins, S.B., Drake University, 1909. T H E DEGREE OP MASTER OP ARCHITECTURE. Charles Richard Clark, B.S., 1898. Henry Jackson Burt, B.S., 1896. Joseph Norman Jensen, B.S., 1906. Joseph Ferdinand Chinlund, B.S., 1910. William Alonso Etherton, B.S., 1904. Albert James Schafmayer, B.S., 1907. Fred Drinkwater Yeaton, B.S., 1907. Ira William Fisk, B.S'., M.S., 1909, 1913. T H E DEGREE OF CIVIL ENGINEER. T H E DEGREE OP ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. T H E DEGREE OP DOCTOR OP PHILOSOPHY. In Agriculture. William Ernest Carroll, B.S., Utah Agricultural College, 1909, M.S'., 1911. In Botany. Philip Augustus Lehenbauer, A.B., WestJohn Hamilton Whitten, A.B., A.M., minster College, 1907, A.M., James 1911, 1912. Millikin University, 1909. In Chemistry. Harry Fielding Hadley, A.B., James Earl Bowman Millard, A.B., University Millikin University, 1.911, A.M., 1912. of Colorado, 1910, A.M., University Edward Otto Heuse, B.S., Hanover Colof Wisconsin, 1911. lege, 1900, M.S., 1907. Hubert Leonard Olin, A.B., University Harold Hossaek McGregor, A.B., Mcof Iowa, 1908, M.S., 1911. Master University, 1910, M.S., UniGeorge Wallace Sears, B.S'., Drury Colversity of Louisville, 1912. lege, 1908, M.S., 1911. In Engineering. Stanley Prince Farwell, B.S., M.S., 1907, Mikishi Abe, B.E., Tohoku Imperial 1910. University, 1905. In Entomology. Stanley Black Fracker, A.B., Buena Vista College, 1910, M.S'., Iowa State College, 1912.
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