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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
780 UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS. [ J ^ t y 14, On motion of Mr. Hoit, this recommendation was approved, by the following vote: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Small, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Trevett, Mr. Ward. INTEREST ON DAILY BALANCES, 1913-15. Mr. Hoit brought up the recommendation of the Finance' Committee made on April 9, 1915, and presented to the board on April 27, 1915 (see minutes, April 27, page 235), concerning the rate of interest to be paid by Treasurer M. W. Busey on daily balances. On motion of Mr. Carr, the recommendation of the Finance Committee was not concurred in, and the Comptroller was instructed to collect interest from Mr. Busey at the rate of two per cent per annum, on average daily balances, according to the agreement with Mr. Busey at the time of his election (see Report, University of Illinois, 1914, page 206). TREASURER'S ALLOWANCE FOR CLERK HIRE DISCONTINUED. Mr. Hoit presented for the Finance Committee a request from Treasurer Hazen S, Capron for an allowance of fifty dollars a month for clerk-hire. On motion of Mrs. Henrotin, the practise of allowing the Treasurer this sum was discontinued as of April 30, 1915, in accordance with the right reserved by unanimous vote of the board at the time of the Treasurer's election (see page 219). TREASURER'S REPORT. Mr. Hoit also presented for the Finance Committee the report of Treasurer H. S. Capron for the two months ending June 30, 1915. This report was received for record: H A Z E N S. CAPRON, TREASURER, I N ACCOUNT W I T H T H E U N I V E R S I T Y I L L I N O I S FOR T H E QUARTER E N D E D J U N E 30, 1915. SUMMARY. OF Balance May 1. General fund United States Agricultural Station F u n d College of Medicine Fund. Smith-Lever F u n d Trusts fund Total $274,884 74 10,607 84 133 75 9,205 62 $294,831 95 DEPOSITS. Deposits May 1, to J u n e 30. Warrants paid May 1. to June 30. Balance J u n e 30. $217,473 81 4,252 62 133 75 3,268 91 8,085 75 $233,214 64 Experiment $57,979 99 1 $115,390 92 77 30 10,000 00 2,178 99 $70,236 28 6,432 52 6,731 09 3,298 86 $131,853 39 May 1, to 31. J u n e 1, to 30. General fund United States Agricultural Experiment Station Fund.. Smith-Lever F u n d Trusts fund Total WARRANTS PAID. Total. $57,979 77 10,000 2,178 99 30 00 00 $24,488 97 10,000 00 918 17 $35,407 14 $33,491 02 77 30 1,260 82 $34,829 14 $70,236 28 May 1, to 31. J u n e 1, to 30. General fund United States Agricultural Experiment Station Fund.. Smith-Lever Fund Trusts fund Total $54,053 3.495 4,378 1,741 45 45 63 30 $61,337 2,937 2,352 1,557 47 07 46 56 Total. $115,390 6,432 6,731 3,298 92 52 09 86 $63,668 83 $68,184 56 $131,853 39
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