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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
776 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [ J u l y 14, Electrical Engineering 27, to be changed from $5 to $4. Electrical Engineering 28, $3, to be discontinued. Electrical Engineering 29, $4, to be discontinued. Electrical Engineering 62, to be changed from $4 to $3. Electrical Engineering 68, $3, (new). Electrical Engineering 75, $4, (new). Electrical Engineering .76, $4, (new). Mechanical Engineering 13, $3, to be discontinued. Mechanical Engineering 23, $3, (new). Mechanical Engineering 25, $1, (new). Mechanical Engineering 26, $1.50, (new). Mechanical Engineering 54, $1, (new). Mechanical Engineering 61, to be changed from $3 to $2. Mechanical Engineering 62, $3, (new). Mechanical Engineering 67, $1.50, to be discontinued. Mining 19, $2, (new). Mining 66, $3, ( n e w ) . . Municipal and Sanitary Engineering 3, $1, (new). Physics 17, $2, (new). Physics 24, $2, (new). Railway Engineering 11, $2, course discontinued. T. & A. M. 5, $2, to be discontinued. T. & A. M. 15, to be changed from $2 to $1. T. & A. M. 16, to be changed from $2 to $1. On motion of Mr. Carr, the changes in fees embodied in this schedule were authorized. (21) Presentation of certain recommendations by the Council of Administration relating to the entertainment of visitors; namely, (1) That a sum of money be set aside by the Board of Trustees in the budget annually for the entertainment of general University guests; that is, for people for whom the University may properly incur expense of appropriate entertainment. (2) That this money be expended only on the written authority of the President of the University in the case of each guest. (3) That a sum of money be set aside by the Board of Trustees for entertainment in the annual budget of each department, division, or college, whose work involves this class of expenditure, and for which such department, division, or college may properly incur the expense of appropriate entertainment. (4) That when an individual or a group visits the University for the purpose of rendering a service of some kind to a particular department, division, or college of the University, or when guests in the catagories mentioned in the footnote* come to inspect a particular department, division, or college of the University, their expenses of entertainment, properly certified and approved by the head of such department, division, or college, be paid out of the fund allotted to such department, division, or college, for that purpose. (5) That the University purchase an auto carriage for University use only, under the Supervising Architect, according to procedure approved by the Board of Trustees. (6) No officer or employee of the University shall incur expense in the name of the University for lodging or meals of any visitor to the University without the written approval of the President of the University, or some general University officer designated by him. E N T E R T A I N M E N T OF VISITORS. No action was taken on this matter. R E G I S T R A T I O N OF D E L I N Q U E N T S F O R B I D D E N . (22) A recommendation of the Council of Administration concerning the collection of unpaid fees and charges: June 19, 1915. Dr. Edmund J. James, President. DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: The Council of Administration at a special meeting held on June 19, 1915, voted to recommend to the Board of Trustees the adoption of the following regulation, having for-its object to assist the business office in the collection of unpaid fees and charges: "A student who is in debt to the University at the end of any semester shall not be permitted to register in the University again and shall not be entitled to receive an official statement of his credits from the Registrar until his indebtedness has been discharged." Sincerely yours, K. C. BABCOCK, On motion of Mrs. Henrotin, this recommendation was approved. D. C. G R E E N E C O L L E C T I O N . Secretary, Council of Administration. (23) A statement from the University Librarian, Mr. that Prof. Evarts B. Greene has presented to the University and nineteen volumes of books and newspapers relating to a part of the library of his father, Dr. D. C. Greene, long a Phineas L. Windsor, Library two hundred Japan, which formed resident of Japan. * 1. Representatives of institutions or scientific bodies who come as delegates to meetings of associations invited here by the University, either for its own purpose or for the promotion of some educational or scientific purpose in which the University is interested. e 2. Persons who come without special invitation to learn from the University methods of improving public or private life or business in the lines in which they are occupied. This is a kind of extension work. It now'includes farmers, business men.engineers, etc. m m 3. Persons who come to visit the university with official or semi-official authority to study or inspect the methods of the University, such as members of the Legislature, representatives of the Federal Government, and of foreign governments and institutions, delegates from civic or commercial organizations, etc.
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