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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
68 UNIVERSITY or ILLINOIS. [July 11, SCHEDULE 3. DISBURSEMENTS FOR T H E TEAR ENDING J U N E 3 0 , 1 9 1 4 . „ Items. From appropriations brought forward from 1912-1913, Schedule 31 From appropriation for 1913-1914— Land and buildings, Schedule 32 $473,107 05 Physical plant, Schedule 33 277,179 94 Administration and general expense, Schedule 3 4 . . . . 278,625 14 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Schedule 3 5 . . . 437,927 72 Agricultural College and Experiment Station, Schedule 36 632,16187 Engineering College and Experiment Station, Schedule 37 299 224 73 Graduate*' Schc-oi,' Schedule 3 8 . . . . . . . . . I../.'..'....'. 44^665 41 College of Medicine and Dentistry, Schedule 39 207,109 19 Other schools and departments, Schedule 301 169,296 56 ' Total, Schedule 1 SCHEDULE 31. Total. $ 195,737 04 2,819,297 81 $3,015,034 85 1912-1913. DISBURSEMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATIONS BROUGHT FORWARD FROM Current appropriations— Literature and Arts, College of Science, College of ' Items. $74 10 7 85 $15,278 43 70,941 39 492 96 321 84 14 21,981 65 159 90 85i 33 74 28 8,424 71 2,517 88 2,162 26 4,727 54 7,865 11 328 95 12,709 51 2,363 94 3,572 00 3,052 43 1,842 56 807 48 8 33 3,097 77 4,867 10 168 30 4,055 89 11,043 60 292 47 450 80 943 76 2,918 38 7,332 40 Total. 81 95 State appropriations— Agricultural College Animal Husbandry Building Apparatus and appliances— Astronomy Museum Psychology Armory Cabinets Ceramics .' Clinic Building Commerce Building Crop experiments Drains, fences and repairs Engineering Building and Grounds Engineering extension and maintenance Glass House Graduate School Household Science Law Building Law School Library Live stock specimens Mines investigation Mining engineering Operative expense * Pavements and walks Social and Political Science Soil maps Telephone exchange University Hall Water investigation Water survey Woman's Building addition Total SCHEDULE 32. 195,655 09 $195,737 04 DISBURSEMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF LAND AND BUILDINGS FOR T H E YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1914. Land and land .improvements— Land Campus lighting Pavements and walks Locomotive Laboratory Reservoir Buildings— Armory Chemical Laboratory addition Gymnasium Items. $361,436 4,697 So?? 3,342 04 50 nJ 91 Total. : $373,115 99 .,-,-««. *55',?o2,4 iS 781 06 11,813 01
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