Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
304 Mary Anne Henry. Clara Lillie Hirtzel. Katherine Hitt. Nai Ching Ho. Anna Cathryn Hoffert. Charles Dean Howk. Marie Esda Hubbard. Stanley Pieffer Irwin. Mabel Clare Jackson. William Bancroft Jarvis, Jr. Ruth Amanda Kaar. Guy Wilford Karraker. Francis Ford Keen. Florence Keller. Carrie Adelaide Kromer. Grace Etheridge La Frenz. Mary.Maria Lawson. Bradley Cleaver Lawton. Gladys Adeline Leonard. Ida Hubbard Lindley. Hilah Jane Link. Fern Marguerite Loing. Edna Belle McKee. Mary Cecilia McNally. Clarence Joseph son. Yun Tin Cheng. Thomas Wilbur mann. AnderDieck- UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Nellie Frances McVey. Margaret Ann Marbold. Ruth Keefer Mathews. Edna Varner Millizen. Edward Henry Morrissey. Milton Nels Nelson. Emilie Marie Noack. Arthur Allen Odell. Irene Balfour Olin. Wilbur Otis Pendarvis. Marion Louise Percival. Ernest Howard Pool. Emma Stine Pursley. John Holly Rapp. Mollie Reid. Guy Benjamin Reno. Julia Elizabeth Renner. Nannie Baxter Rives. Ruth Robbins. Eugenia Elizabeth Rutherford. Marie Savage. Helen Katherine Schoepperle. Edith Carolyn Schroeder. In Business Courses. (With Thesis.) Donald De Vere Foster. Wesley Barton Golden. Walter Herman Jacobsen. George Burr McMillen. George Hyde Pike. (Without Thesis.) Oscar Casper Detering. Essel Ray Dillavou. Edward Charles Elles. Walter Boynton Erwin. Clare Curtiss Gamble. Perry Henry Graves. James Burr Hickman. Milton Owen Jensen. Jook Hing Jue. John Hamilton Morse. Frederick William Postel. George Kerns Richmond. In Household Science. (Without Thesis.) Edith Gwinn. Agnes Virginia Hitt. Florence Ruby Johnston. Marjorie Marie June. Irma Ada Latzer. Gertrude Emma Lehmann. Grace Linder. Carrie Lucile McColley. Ora Lucile Miller. Agnes Mabel Milne. Gladys lone Moss. Rachel Flossie Myers. Margaret Campbell Perry. In General Science. (With Thesis.) Amelia Lucinda Kellogg. Harry Bruce McClugage. Edwin Whitaker Mattoon. (Without Thesis.) Ira Wilbur Dmgledine. Justin Aloysius Domas. Ruth Ernest. Fay Edward Faulkner. Lois Myrtle Harris. Luther Eugene Kennedy. Wayne Isaac Kirby, B.S., 1914. Harry Weber McCulloch. Sarah Ann Marks. Margaret Mildred Mehlhop. [June 16, Mildred Scroggin. Katherine Seaman. Nathan Cook Seidenberg. Charles Wheeler Shook. Gladys Mae Smith. Rafael Arcangel Soto, B.S., 1912. Gerald Darfield Stopp. Frank Sewall Stroheker. Mary Ethel Swick. Estella Lenore Thurston. Ethel Todd. Mary Luella Trowbridge. Anne Marie Turlay. Frank Emil Walser. Mamie Lawrence Ward. Jane Coulson Watson. Helen Waller Webber. Vera Gretchen Wessels. Benjamin Wham. Hortense Elaine Wickard. Viola Esther Wolfe. Mabel Clara Womacks. Harry Thomas Wood. Max Rukin. Beulah Elizabeth Selsam. Turrill Dean Shonts. Vernon Thompson Stevens. Hymen Schetnitz. Philip George Schiesswohl. Herbert August Steinmeyer. Russell Claude Swope. Harold Arthur Talbert. Glenn Poland Vaughan. Alexander Wagner. Dorothy Keziah Walkerly. Elon Gilbert Wilkinson. Charles Prior Winters. Ada Roberta Pugh. Gratia Jewett Reed. Lenore Richards. Dorothy Sue Rinaker. Frances Marie Rutenber. Marjorie Sutcliffe. Edith Ann Swank. Fleta Thompson. Clara Louise Thorndike. Eva Sarah Weilepp. Marjorie Cecilia Welsh. Laura May Wille. Lenora Mary Worcester. Ruth Elizabeth Young. Phillips F. Armour. Somendra Chandra Deb Barman. Vera Beyer. Harry Edward Bigler. Frank Avery Bush. Ralph Dwyer Clinton Chapman. Daniel Franklin Cornstock. Chester McElfresh Crain. Harold Lane Cummings. Laura Anna Alband. Delia Estelle Armstrong. Pearl Anna Maria Bernhardt. Fannie Maria Brooks. Katherine Margaret Buenger. Byrdie Blye Butzer. Verna Viola Butzer. Alice Carter. Mary Elizabeth Collom. Alice Margaret Dietzer. Vera Ople Gossett. Eulalie Green. T H E DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS IN SCIENCE. Lillian Dora Dole. Henry Charles Eckstein. Frank A. Hoerner. Alice Grace Axelson. Robert Olney Barnes. Arthur Jacob Benner. William Jacob Benner. William Harrison Bennett. Leslie Orville Bright. Waldo Reinhart Brown. Carl William Buckler. Daniel Bernard Carroll. Charles Blake Cochran. Helen Lucile Crawford. Forrest Hamilton ray. Roe Niver. Mur- Florence Edith Neville. Anna Margaret Olsen. Wilma Gay Parks. Willard Cole Rappleye. Edna Kerr Rentchler. Ernest Wilford Seyster. Seldeh Lewis Stebbins. William John Steimbreder. Henry Sylvester Stice. Robert Ambrose Strong. Francis Thompson.