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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
300 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 15, PAGE 1, S U P E R V I S I N G A R C H I T E C T ' S E S T I M A T E S . * Education Building— 1. Architectural services $ 5,000 00 2. Building construction, including contracts scheduled herewith „' 122,000 00 3. Mechanical equipment, including fire protection, telephones, clocks, switchboards and m o t o r s . . . . 1,000 00 4. Furniture, fixtures, and apparatus 14,000 00 5. Grounds 500 00 Total . 00 00 $142,500 00 Ceramics Building— 1. Architectural services $ 5,000 2. Building construction, including contracts scheduled herewith 109,000 3. Mechanical equipment, including elevator, fire protection, switchboards, motors, etc 5,000 4. Furniture, fixtures 8,800 5. Grounds 200 Total 00 00 00 128,000 00 Vivarium:— 1. Architectural services 2. Building construction, including contracts scheduled herewith 3. Mechanical equipment • 4. Furniture, fixtures, and apparatus, including experimental plumbing and1 wiring 5. Grounds, including ponds, grading, fences and walks 2a. Greenhouses Total Grand total * . $ 2,500 00 3.4,500 00 200 00 24,000 00 3,800 00 5,000 00 70,000 00 $340,500 00 PAGE 2, S U P E R V I S I N G A R C H I T E C T ' S R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S . . EDUCATION BUILDING. General contract to English Brothers, Champaign, 111., as follows: Bid "A" $98,000 00 Add for plate glass 729 00 Add for metal windows 4,779 00 Total $103,508 00 For eight months' completion, the contract to carry a bonus and penalty clause of $25 per day with a maximum bonus or penalty of $1,500, giving a maximum contract for approximately six months' completion of :. NOTE.—This maximum bonus is the difference between this contractor's bid "A" and bid "B." Heating contract to New York Blower Company, Chicago, 111 Wiring contract to J. R. Downs, Peoria, 111 Plumbing contract to Daily & O'Brien, Peoria, 111 « $105,008 00 10,192 00 1,796 00 4,950 00 Total of contracts • $121,946 00 A. W. Stoolman's bid on the same basis is $104,951, which is $57 less than English Brothers, who were, however, low, without considering the alternates. PAGE 3, S U P E R V I S I N G A R C H I T E C T ' S R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S . CERAMICS BUILDING. General contract to A. W. Stoolman, Champaign, 111., as follows: Bid "A" $78,115 00 Add for plate glass 415 00 Total . $78,530 00 For eight months' completion, the contract to carry a bonus and penalty clause of $30 per day with a maximum bonus or penalty of $1,800, giving a maximum contract for approximately six months' completion of NOTE.—This maximum bonus is the difference between this contractor's bid "A" and bid "B." Heating contract to New York Blower Company, Chicago, 111 Plumbing contract to Daily & O'Brien, Peoria, 111 Wiring contract to Hatfield Electric Company, Indianapolis, I n d . . . . Total of contracts * See also schedules of bids, pages 289 to 292. $80,330 00 8,629 00 2,875 00 2,534 00 $94,368 00
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