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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

S U P P L E M E N T A R Y BIDS—SCHOOL OF EDUCATION. OX Marble. Name of contractor. Natural. $7,300 00 8,604 00 7,000 00 7.342 00 3.800 00 8.365 00 6.943 00 Mosaic. $7,600 00 • 4.559 00 7.422 4.145 8,465 4,145 00 00 00 00 Glazing. Cut stone. Sheet glass. P l a t e glass. $1,200 1,666 1.600 1,762 - 1,300 1.950 1,271 00 95 00 00 00 00 00 $1,750 00 2.100 00 2.472 1,775 2,950 2,000 00 00 00 00 $ 8,000 00 9,160 00 10,500 00 13,200 00 8,700 00 9,325 00 10,000 00 Waterproofing. Frames and sash. Wood. $1,200 00 3,877 11 4,300 00 1.265 00 2,721 00 Metal. $6,300 00 8,032 42 8,100 00 *2,600 00 6.340 00 8.500 00 7,500 00 Clarke Construction Co, F r e e m a n & Brooks Irwin & Leighton S. N. Nielson A. W. Stoolman W a r n e r Construction Co $ 410 00 900 00 750 00 2,238 00 1,075 00 948 00 1,166 00 hi § a Q i.400 66 3 * Add to general contract hid. S U P P L E M E N T A R Y BIDS—CERAMICS. Marble. Name of contractor. Natural. Clarke Construction Co Freeman & Brooks S N. Nielson A. W. Stoolman W a r n e r Construction Co $1,500 1,941 1,250 1,941 1,200 1.520 1.620 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Mosaic. $1,584 00 1.742 00 1,584 1.584 1.720 1.584 00 00 00 00 Sheet glass. P l a t e glass. $1,020 1.640 1,200 1,325 1,400 1,457 1,000 00 76 00 00 00 00 00 $1,650 00 2,303 74 1,815 00 2,357 00 1,800 00 $ 350 00 1,689 49 650 00 1.600 00 1,125 00 937 00 1,247 00 Glazing. Floor construction. Waterproofing. Arch, plans. ^Alternate. ^ Alternate. $ 9,054 00 14,800 00 19.000 00 9.833 00 11,500 00 GO O g § o fed i,975 66 $9,700 00 12,000 00 i H * Attica Concrete Products Co.'s unit construction. 8
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