Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
S C H E D U L E 37. STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR GRADUATE SCHOOI/ AS AT MAR. 31, 1915. Appropriations and credits. $39,613 96 1,500 00 500 00 139 16 150 00 400 00 75 00 175 00 205 00 335 00 17 00 330 00 500 00 400 00 100 00 403 84 88 00 100 00 100 00 1,000 00 150 00 100 00 60 00 197 83 330 00 300 00 100 00 322 15 25 00 300 00 3,647 02 3,072 44 4,000 00 1,500 00 3,500 00 $51,406 40 Cash disbursements. $31,373 96 ' 779 41 375 08 129 16 . 29 90 75 38 158 99 132 52 17 00 64 81 499 41 400 00 4 34 *1 50 -• 88'00 100 00 70 00 3 56 122 00 64 98 197 83 246 13 96 27 99 45 282 15 25 00 54 00 t604 00 1,756 72' 1,576 18 919 10 $30,246 83 Transfer charges. Open market L i b r a r y orders orders outstanding. outstanding. Salaries ' assigned. $8,340 00 Total. Free balances. Administration Library equipment— Blondheim Fitz-Gerald Greene $89 59 $ 34 35 $ 3 30 $29,613 96 896 55 375 08 139 16 103 03 400 00 30 00 158 99 177 83 17 00 111 47 499 41. 400 00 57 34 187 80 88 00 100 00 70 00 710 56 133 00 74 58 197 83 370 55 156 65 99 45 299 15 25 00 54 00 604 00 2,638 37 3,239 73 919 10 $43,816 47 $ 603 45 134 93 46 98 45 00 16 01 37 18 325 00 i08 53 59 42-66 216 04 73 i3 334 63 30 00 45 30 46 66 53 00 186 30 Reitz Schoepperle Stoek Ward Unassigned Research— Balke Bayley Blondheim Carman F a i r l i e . . .\ Forbes Loomis Savage Shelford Stebbins Washburn Ward Unassigned Illinois survey University studies '. Journal of English and Germanic Philology Crockerland expedition '. Total, Schedule 3 * Dr. Meyer. + Speculum Regale. . 707 00 9 60 30 00 289 44 28 00 25 42 60 00 59 45 143 35 55 33 00 146 00 2,043 02 < 444 17 760 27 580 90 2,500 00 $8,589 93 3 72 35 38 30 70 35 00 17 00 \ 63 65 430 00 23 76 41 55 365 14 1,633 00 $183 00 $3,800 69 $835 95 $8,760 00