Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
246 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. S T R E E T CAR L I N E ON L I N C O L N AVENUE. [Apr. 27, (23) A request from the Urbana and Champaign Railway, Gas, and Electric Company that the University assist in obtaining a franchise for a street 'car track on Lincoln Avenue, by signing the petition to the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the city of Urbana, to grant to the said Urbana and Champaign Railway, Gas, and Electric Company, the right, license, and franchise to build, construct, operate, and maintain a street railway on Lincoln Avenue running in the parking on the west side of Lincoln Avenue from the north edge of the Forestry of the University of Illinois to Pennsylvania Avenue on the south. On motion of Mr. Hoit, this request was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for consideration and report. D R A F T OF ADDRESS TO T H E G E N E R A L ASSEMBLY. (24) The draft of an address to the General Assembly in regard to the requests of the board for appropriations for the coming biennium, to be presented by the President of the University. On motion of Mr. Carr, the address was approved and President James was authorized to present it to the General Assembly. E X P E N S E S OF CADETS A T S U M M E R CAMP. (25) A request from Maj. F . D. Webster, Commandant, that the University pay the expenses of certain cadets, not to exceed twelve, to be selected s by the Commandant, to enable them to'attend the Summer Military Camp a t Ludington, Mich. The expense involved is about $50 each. No action was taken concerning this matter. ORGANIZATION OF A D D I T I O N A L B A T T A L I O N OF CADETS. (26) A request from Maj. F . D. Webster, Commandant, for authority to organize another Battalion of Cadets. • April tk, 1915. President E. J. James, University of Illinois. SIR: I desire to make the following recommendations to be placed before the Board of Trustees at its next meeting: 1. That I be authorized to make another Battalion in the Corps of Cadets next year, making two complete regiments of twelve companies each. 2. That I be authorized to organize a company of Engineers in addition to the Battery and Signal Company, now a part of the military organization. This can readily be done with the excellent material at hand among the students of the Engineering College who are members of the Corps of Cadets. 3. That I. be authorized to organize a Hospital Company or detachment which is necessary to a brigade organization, and will enable us to have proper instruction in first aid, and camp and field sanitation. 4. That for this purpose the following additional scholarships for officers be ' authorized: Infantry 17 Engineers 4 Hospital Company 3 Total This number will be necessary to officer the organizations recommended. • Very respectfully, P. D. WEBSTER, 24 On motion of Mr. Carr, the request of the Commandant was granted, and the necessary appropriation was made. INVITATION TO A M E R I C A N C H E M I C A L SOCIETY. Major of Infantry, Professor of Military Science. (27) A letter from Prof. W. A. Noyes concerning an invitation to the American Chemical Society to meet at the University during the year 1915-16. April 26, 1915. President E. J. James, University of Illinois. invite the American Chemical Society to meet here during the spring of 1916, probably at the time of the Easter vacation, and to make this the occasion for the dedication of the addition to the Chemical Laboratory. Such a meeting would probably bring to us from 400 to 500 chemists from outside of the University circle, and would give us an attendance at. the dedication- exercises which could be secured in no other wsuy. If the invitation is extended, we should hope that the Trustees of the University would feel disposed to appropriate for the occasion an amount similar to that which has been appropriated for the dedication exercises of other buildings of like importance. It seems desirable that the invitation should be sent to the secretary of the society soon and I would respectfully request the Trustees of the University to extend such an invitation a t the present time. The question of the appropriation which could be made for the occasion might be taken up later when you can give it more careful consideration. Very respectfully, W. A. NOYES. DEAR PRESIDENT JAMES : The staff of the Department of Chemistry wish to On motion of Mr. Carr, President James was authorized to extend such an invitation to the American Chemical Society.