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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
220 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. ASSIGNMENT OF LAND NEAR SOUTH FARM. [Mar. 9, President James presented a communication from Dr. Eugene Davenport, Dean of the College of Agriculture and Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, asking that the 320 acre tract known as the Busey, Pell, McCullough, and Douglas tracts, recently purchased, lying east of the South Farm and south of the roadway running along the south side of the Cemetery, be assigned to the Department of Horticulture, in accordance with a plan submitted, for the ultimate use of the work in horticulture, reserving, until further action by the board, the south eighty for other interests. On motion of Superintendent Blair, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the 320 acre tract known as the Busey, Pell, McCullough, and Douglas tracts, recently purchased, be assigned in general for the ultimate use of the work in horticulture, in accordance with the plan submitted, and until further action by the. board, the use of the south eighty acres to be reserved for other interests—provided that all portions of the 240 acres thus assigned which may not be immediately needed for the work in horticulture shall, so far as possible, be open to the use of other departments. Furthermore, be it Resolved, That it is the opinion of the Board of Trustees that with the addition of his acreage . to the University of Illinois, * no additional land should be hired for the use of the College of Agriculture, or the Agricultural Experiment Station, or any department thereof, except what may be absolutely necessary for some temporary or peculiar purpose, such as meadow or pasture land immediately needed. It is further understood that the land now occupied elsewhere by the Department of Horticulture, excepting the ground occupied by the new Floriculture and Horticulture Buildings and the space immediately about them, shall be vacated as rapidly as possible for the use of other departments of the University. At this point the board took a recess until 7.30 p. m. Evening Session. When the board convened for the evening session, at the Inman Hotel, in Champaign, the following members were present: President Abbott, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Hoit, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Ward, Miss Watson. During a part of the evening, Prof. J. M. White, Supervising Architect, was present. President James was present. MATTERS PRESENTED BY T H E PRESIDENT OF T H E UNIVERSITY. The board proceeded immediately to the consideration of the following matters presented by President James: LEASE A N D O P T I O N , R O L A N D P R O P E R T Y . (1) A letter from Mr. Anton Roland offering to rent to the University a tract of ground owned by him, situated in William Williamson's Addition, in Champaign, and also offering an option for purchase of this property for the period of two y e a r s : CHAMPAIGN,, I I I . , March 8, 1915. Prof. James M. White, Supervising Architect, University of Illinois, Champaign, III. DEAR SIR : Referring to our negotiations for the rental by the University of Illinois of the tract of ground owned by me situated in Wm. Williamson's Addition: The west half (W. %) of the southwest quarter (SW. %) of section eighteen (18) township nineteen (19) north, range nine (9) east of the Third Principal Meridian, Champaign, 111.; located between Fourth Street and First Street in the city of Champaign and lying south of the corporation line of said city, containing thirtytwo and one-half (32%) acres, I have to say that I will lease this tract to the University of Illinois for a period of two years at an annual rental of seven hundred ($700) dollars, payable on July 1, 1915, and on July 1, 1916. In consideration of the payment to me of this annual rental I will give to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois the option to purchase the 32% acres owned by me described as herein before at the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) and I agree to convey same on the payment to me of that sum; giving therefor good merchantable title free and clear of all incumbrance. Yours truly, • ANTON ROLAND.
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