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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
214 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Mar. EXPERIMENT 2, 3. Agronomy. X I . COLLEGE OF A G R I C U L T U R E A N D A G R I C U L T U R A L STATION—Continued. a. College funds— (1) Salaries for maintenance (general) (2) Farm mechanics $38,300 00 12,500 00 $50,800 00 Total from college funds b. State station funds— (1) Crop investigations $18,500 00 (2) Soil investigations 96,000 00 Total from State station funds $114,500 00 c. Hatch Fund— (1) Salaries and maintenance. 2,500. 00 d. Balance from 1913-14— (1) Maintenance 1,372 47 (2) Crop investigation 4,989 06 (3) Soil investigation 3,878 94 Total balance 4. Animal Husbandry. a. College funds— Salaries and maintenance (general) b. State station funds— Live stock investigations c. Adams Fund— Nutrition and breeding d. Balance from 1913-14— Maintenance $6,475 85 Live stock specimens 2,466 69 Live stock investigations 6,422 41 Nutrition and breeding 274 83 Total balance Total, Animal Husbandry 5. Dairy Husbandry. a. College funds— Salaries and maintenance (general) b. State station fund— Dairy investigations t . .. c. Hatch Fund— Salaries and maintenance d. Balance from 1913-14— Maintenance *$8,410 78 Dairy investigations 27 08 Dairy specimens 537 00 Total, balance Horticulture. a. College funds— Salaries and maintenance (general) b. State station fund— Horticulture investigations . . . $21,00000 Floriculture investigations . . . 8,000 00 Total from station funds c. Adams Fund— Plant breeding d. Balance from 1913-14— Maintenance Horticulture investigations . . . Floriculture investigations . . . Total, balance Total, Horticulture Household Science. a. College funds—Salaries and maintenance b. Balance from 1913-14— Maintenance Total, Dairy Husbandry Total, Agronomy 10,240 47 $178,040 47 $61,200 00 31,000 00 8,500 00 15,639 78 116,339 78 $29,600 00 21,000 00 6,000 00 8,974 86 65,574 86 $56,600 00 29,000 00 4,500 00 $ 6 24 28 5934 65 86 ^ $26,000 00 f7,170 20 90,165 Total, Household Science 33,170 20 * "Dairy" $1,446.20; "Dairy Creamery" $6,964.58; total $8,410.78. t "Household Science" $5,044.58; "Household Science Cafeteria" $2,125.62; total, $7,170.20.
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