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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1915] PROCEEDINGS OF T H E BOARD OP TRUSTEES. 189 COMPTROLLER'S REPORT. The Secretary presented for record the report of Prof. George E. Frazer, Comptroller, for the quarter ending December 31, 1914: Hon. January 1, 1915. W. L. Abbottj President Board of Trustees', University of Illinois. D E A R S I R : I h a v e t h e h o n o r t o h a n d y o u h e r e w i t h a r e p o r t of ray a c c o u n t s a s Comptroller, for t h e t h r e e m o n t h s e n d i n g D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 1914. Very truly yours, GEORGE E . F R A Z E R , Comptroller. S C H E D U L E 1. STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS AS AT DEC. 31, 1914, i Cash Balance. receipts" Schedule 2, University T r e a s u r e r General United States Agricultural Experiment Station Trusts Petty c a s h Bursar Secretary, College of Medicine Actuary, School of P h a r m a c y Vice Director, Agricultural Experiment Station State A u d i t o r Operation, maintenance and equipment Buildings, land and equipment Water survey and investigation Mechanics' and Miners' Institute Total State revenue. Total. $71,783.11 $268,182 69 274 83 3,451 31 5,000 00 300 00 . 250 00 600 00 15,081 39 23,086 70 $ 339,965 80 15,356 22 26,538 01 5,000 00 300 00 250 00 600 00 $1,600,000 00 1,600,000 00 650,000 00 650,000 00 21,500 00 23,810 56 15,000 00 20,473 58 2,310 56 5,473 58 $89,443 39 $306,350 78 $2,286,500 00 $2,682,294 17 S C H E D U L E 1—Concluded. Balances. Items. Totals. Disbursements. Schedule 3, University T r e a s u r e r General, United States Agricultural Experiment Station Petty c a s h Bursar -. Secretary, College of Medicine. Actuary, School of Pharmacy Vice Director, Agricultural Experiment Station State A u d i t o r Water survey and investigation Mechanics' and Miners' Institute Total 895,492 35 303,685 31 12,634 02 9,152 24 $1,410,913 46 $154,698 00 12,370 49 22,881 05 $185,267 80 2,985 73 3,656 96 $5,000 00 300 00 250 00 600 00 $704,507 65 346,314 69 11,176 54 ' 11,3*1 34 $ 191,910 49 6,150 00 1,073,320 22 $1,271,380 71
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