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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1452 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Thompson, H. E., degree, 76. final honors, 81. Thompson, J. G., appointment, 51, 798. Thompson, L., degree, 78. Thompson, Lillian M., degree, 951. Thompson, M. E., appointment, 793. increase in'salary, 224. Thompson, R. D., degree, 82. Thompson, R. H., degree, 83. Thoreen, E. A., degree, 79. Thorndike, Clara L., degree, 304. Thorne, F. H., degree, 955. Thorne, L. E., appointment, 804. commission, 312. degree, 307. final honors, 312. Thorne, M. E., degree, 79. Thoroman, R. R., degree, 93 O.Thorpe, L., appointment, 48. Thurber, ,C. N., appointment, 796, 843. Thurston, Estella L., degree, 304. Thurston, H. W. Jr., degree, 307. Tibbits, D. D., degree, 177. Tice, Frederick, appointment, 128, 839. Tiedeman, I. D., degree, 956. Tieje, R. E., appointment, 49, 76, 796, 892. fellowship, 943. Tilton, K. D., degree, 76. Tilton, L. D., appointment, 805. degree, 307. Tilton, W. J., degree, 952. special honors, 960. Timm, H. E. L., degree, 308. Tinsley, R. W., appointment, 141. degree, 309. Tippet, R. W., appointment, 48, 794. degree, 308. Tirrill regulator, purchase of, 285. Titcomb, W. C, appointment, 52, 799. Titus, G. L., degree, 74. Todd, Ethel, degree, 304. Tohill, L. A., degree, 79. Tomek, G., appointment, 102, 834. Tomita, T., degree, 83. Tomlin, R. R., degree, 956. Tomlinson, J. S., appointment, 103, 830. leave of absence, 889. Tommerson, L. N., degree, 83. Tomsu, C. L., degree, 956. Ton, A., appointment, 141. degree, 83. Toothaker, J. E., degree, 956. Torgerson, E. F., appointment, 141, 803. degree, 77. Torrance, F. C, appointment, 53, 800. Torrance, Mary, appointment, 59, 809. Towne, L. J., appointment, 229, 793. letter concerning contractors, 894. Townsend, E. J., appointment, 50, 797, 893. Townsend, L. L., appointment, 58. Towson, Irene, degree, 951. Tracy, Elizabeth L., degree, 951. Tracy, G., appointment, 103, 831, 843. Transfer of funds, authority for, 282, 850. Transportation Building, addition to bB built, 810, completion, 299. estimate for, 934. Transportation, credit for in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 930. Traxler, P. S., degree, 82. Treasurer, allowance for clerk hire discontinued, 780. audit of accounts, 284. authorized to receive money, 219, 917. balance, interest rate on, 205, 218, 232, 235. bond, 219, 232. approved, 235. elected, 219. election of, policy, 201. Taft K Lorado, presented bust, 281. Taft, Martha E., appointment, 286, 804. Taggart, Clementine, degree, 951. Taggart, F. Jr., degree, 77. Taketa, S., degree, 306. Talbert, H. A., degree, 304. Talbot, A. N., appointment, 53, 801. Talbot, E. R., degree, 308. Tanabe, S. F., appointment, 80, 781. Tanner, F. W., appointment, 794, 843. degree, 80, 959. Tanner, J. M., appointment, 124. Tao, W. T., degree, 309. Tapping, C. H., degree, 305. Tark, L. A., appointment, 205. ' Tarnoski, A. S., degree, 305. Tarracciano, A. E., degree, 76. Tate, J. A., degree, 77. final honors, 81. Taub, S. J., degree, 956. Taxation, real estate, exemption, 110. Taylor, E. H., appointment, 48. degree, 310. Taylor, H. W., degree, 83. Taylor, Lillian C, degree, 307. Taylor, L. E„ appointment, 129, 841. Taylor, M., degree, 74. Taylor, M. C, degree, 305. final honors, 312. Taylor, N. O., appointment, 915. Taylor, S. C, appointment, 48, 870. degree, 310. Teachers, visitors' permits for, 938. Tear, H. R., degree, 76. final honors, 81. honors, 81. scholarship, 950. Tebbe, G. S., scholarship, 943. Telephone stock, sale of, 199. Telephone system, change, 282. Temple, S. J., appointment, 772. Templeton, J. W., degree, 936. Templin, R. L., appointment, 249. Teng, K., degree, 74. Tennis court, addition, 122. TerKeurst, H. D., degree, 309. Terril, C. T., degree, 307. Terry, R. I., degree, 955. Tessmar, Von O., appointment, 141. Thai, Olga E., degree, 951. Thatcher, D. W., degree, 307. Theilen, Margaret K., degree, 79. Theobald, W. H., appointment, 870. Theobold, G. D., appointment, 130. Theological education, society for promoting, 875. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, budget, 801. Therapeutics, budget, 834. Thiell, J. E., degree, 308. Thorn, J. D., degree, 303. Thomas, A. R., degree, 955. Thomas, C. J., degree, 955. final honors, 960. Thomas, E. M., degree, 82. Thomas, H. R., degree, 80. Thomas, J. M., degree, 76. Thomas, L., degree, 74. Thomas, M., degree, 77. Thomas, N. G., appointment, 133. Thomas, Polly E., degree, 951. Thomas, R. E., degree, 305. Thomas, R. R., appointment, 915. commission in Illinois National Guard, 961. degree, 953. Thompson, Alice A., appointment, 928. Thompson, B. G. P., degree, 78. Thompson, C. H., degree, 76. Thompson, C. M., appointment, 51, 250, 798, 892. Thompson, F., degree, 304. Thompson, Fleta, degree, 304. Thompson, G. F., appointment, 129, 840.
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