UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 1442]

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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Nebel, M. L.—Concluded. fellowship, 944. Nebel, M. N., appointment, 826. Nebel, Veta T., degree, 951. Needham, Bessie W. O., degree, 305. Needftam, Minnie L., St. Patrick's Day Prize, 961. Needier, H. M., degree, 77. Needs of departments presented, 168. Neill, Alma J., appointment, 50, 843. degree, 309. Nelson, A. L., degree, 95.4. final honors, 960. special honors, 960. Nelson, Idris, degree, 305. Nelson, M. N., degree, 304. Nelson, P. S., degree, 76. Nelson, ft. A., appointment, 950. degree, 305. Neslage, O. J., degree, 954. Neuberger, C, appointment, 129. Nevens, W. D., appointment, 133. Neville, Florence E., degree, 304. Nevins, J. A., appointed University historian, 293, 919. Nevins, W. B., appointment, 805. New, T., degree, 77. Newberger, Charles, appointment, 840. Newburn, N. O., degree, 75. Newell, Anna G., degree, 959. Newell, C. R., appointment, 55, 803. Newell, F. JL, appointment, 243, 799. Newell, G. A. Jr., degree, 74. Newell, M. E., degree, 307. Newlin, C. I., appointment, 56, 804. degree, 79. Newlin, W. B., appointment, 928. Newman, H, F., appointment, 840. Newman, H. P., appointment, 129. Newman, lytargaret, appointment, 950. New York blower Co., contract, 105. Nichol, F. A., degree, 75. Nichols, F. "W-, degree, 952. Nichols, R. C, degree, 307. Nichols, W. L., degree, 305. Nickelsen, JVM., degree, 746. Nickerson, A. J., appointment, 945. Nickoley, E. F., appointment, 856. degree, 309. Nickoley, Emma M. R., degree, 30£. Niederman, Gertrude, appointment, 55. degree, 80. Niemeyer, F. C, degree, 242. Nigro, Rocco, degree, 956. Nilson, P. J., degree, 306. final honors, 312. honors, 311. Nilsson, C. R., degree, 306. Niu, Y. H., degree, 954. Niver, Roe, appointment, 184. commission, 312. degree, 304. final honors, 312. Noack, Emilie M., degree, 304. Noble, J. M., degree, 951. Nolan, A. J., degree, 954. Nolan, A. W., appointment, 54, 806, 891. Nolan, W. J., scholarship, 944. Noon, J. E., degree, 74. Norberg, Alfred, 953. Nordby, J. E., appointment, 248. degree, 958. Nordmeyer, H. W., appointment, 796. Norenberg, C. E., appointment, 53, 801. Norris, W. K., commission, 312. degree, 305. North, A. T., degree, 78. North, C. J., commission, 961. degree, 954. North, F., degree, 78. North, J. W., request for allowance, 226. North, W. J., litigation with, 159. Norton, Bertha L., appointment, 915. Norton, H. S., degree, 956.

Mulac, L. E., degree, 954. Mulfmger, C. W., degree, 78. Mulholand, W. J., degree, 956. Mulvaney, C. S., degree, 76. Mumford, H. W., appointment, 56, 803. leave of absence, 165. Muncie, F. W., appointment, 57, 805. degree, 310. Municipal and Sanitary Engineering, department of, budget, 53, 801. Murphey, M. W., appointment, 793. Murphy, E. F., degree, 954. Murphy, H. D., degree, 954. Murphy, Mary A., degree, 955. Murphy, M. E. degree, 957. Murphy, R. E., appointment, 800. Murphy, T. B., degree, 956. Murr, M., degree, 76. Murray, Ethel R., scholarship, 943. Murray, F. H., appbintment, 249. degree, 304. final honors, 312. honors, 311. Museum, Industrial, 935. Museums, request for printing press, 202. Music Building, agreement adopted, 114. legal opinion on, 107. plans, 774, 899. proposal of Captain Smith, 106. Music, School of, appropriations for, 823. budget, 57, 216, 792, 807. cash receipts, 814. credit for in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 931. curriculums, 861. estimate for, 934. honors, 81, 311, 960. leases of lands, 161. officers, 13. requirements for graduation, 297. summary of salaries, 61. Summer Session appointments, 250. Music, Smith Scholarship in, 920. Mussenden, Ruth I., degree, 951. Myers, O. M., degree, 74, 309. Myers, Rachel F., degree, 304. Myers, R. W„ degree, 952. Myerson, A., degree, 83. Mylius, L. A., appointment, 843. Nadeau, E. G., degree, 82. Nadeau, O. E., appointment, 129, 840, 856. Nag, N. K., degree, 953. Nagel, M. E. A., degree, 77. Nagle, Sybil, appointment, 803. Nakaya, F. T., degree, 956. Naprstek, F. J., degree, 76. Nasmyth, H. D., appointment, 57, 807. Nathan, M. O., degree, 75, 76. Nathanson, J. B., appointment, 54, 251, 801. degree, 959. National Guard, commissions in, 82, 312, 961. instructors enlistment in, 44. relation to University, 932. National History Building, addition to, 810. completion, 299. estimate for, 934. plans submitted, 867. Natural History, State Laboratory of, report, 158. staff, 33. Natvig, G. A., degree, 82. Nauman, A. G., appointment, 140. Naval consulting board, Dean Goss to serve on, 935. Nebel, C. A., commission, 312. degree, 307. Nebel, D. M., degree, 74, 79. Nebel, M. L., appointment, 140. degree, 310.