UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 1438]

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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Ludwig, J. L., degree, 952. final honors, 960. Lukens, W. P., degree, 958. Lumley, L. R., commission, 961. Lumley, L. R., degree, 954. Lummis, M. F., degree, 952. Lunde, G. R., degree, 954. Lundgren, A. V. T., degree, 953. Lundgren, E. E/-, degree,, 952. Lundgren, F. G., degree, 306. Lundin, R. S'., degree, 306. Lundquist, August, appointment, 832, 843. Lungmus, B. A., degree, 956. Lurie, E. M., degree, 76. Luther, Cornelia M., appointment, 59, 808. Luther, Ida, appointment, 881. Lutz, C. W., degree, 308. Lutz, R. S., degree, 306. Lybyer, A. H., appointment, 50, 250, 796. Lyman, H. C, degree, 308. Lyman, L. T., degree, 306. Lyman, R. D., degree, 954. Lynch lands, quit-claim deed issued to, 223, 224. Lyndon, G. W., letter from, 884. Lynn, M. V., appointment, 132. Lyons, Carrie F., degree, 951. Lyons, Hazel S., degree, 951. Lyons, R. J., degree, 77. final honors, 81. Lytle, E. B., appointment, 50, 797. McAfee, L. G., degree, 952. final honors, 960. MacArthur, C. G., appointment, 48, 249. Macbeth, Grace, degree, 307. McCabe, C. L., degree, 74. MacCaughey, V., appointment, 251. McCaffrey, E. H., degree, 308. McCauley, C. H., degree, 305. McCann, F. E., degree, 82. McCarty, J. J., Jr., appointment, 128. McCaskill, K. A., degree, 77. McCaughey, L. IX, degree, 76. McClanahan, B. V., degree, 308. MacChesney, N. W., Board of Examiners in Accountancy, 838. McClelland, M. J., degree, 953. McClugage, H. B., degree, 304. McClure, Winifred L., degree, 951. McColley, Carrie L., degree, 304. final honors,' 312. McColough, E. V., degree, 309. McComis, S. J., appointment, 781. McConn, C. M., appointment, 792. report on C. P. A. certificates, 138. report of fees, 130, 252, 914, 926. report of grades, 769.' report on Library School admission, 138. report on Summer Session, 131. McConnel, I. M., degree, 77. McConnoughey, D., litigation with. 160. MacCormack, R. L., degree, 308. McCormick, E., degree, 76. final honors, 81. McCornell, C. J., degree, 956. McCoy, A. E., degree, 954. scholarship, 943. McCoy, H. J., appointment, 167. McCracken, H. O., degree, 77. McCracken, W. K., degree, 952. McCuen, G. W., degree, 306. McCullouch, H. W., degree, 304. McCullough land, lease, 236. McCumber, C. W., appointment, 915. commission, 961. degree, 953. McDaniel, A. B., appointment, 52, 799. McDermet, R., degree, 80, 959. McDewell, H. S„ appointment, 53, 800. Macdonald, A. P., degree, 954.

Liggett, Irene K, degree, 951. Liggett, L. A., degree, 76. Light; C. R., degree, 305. Light, L. S., degree, 82. Lillehel, I., degree, 81. Lillethun, Myrtle, appointment, 950. Lin, H. D., degree, 308. Linbarger, S. C, degree, 305. honors, 311. Lincoln, C. W., degree, 954. Lincoln, M. C., appointment, 103. Lincoln, W., degree, 79. Lindberg, G. I., degree, 306. Linder, Grace, appointment, 250, 842. degree, 304. Linder, L. S., degree, 75. final honors, 81. Linder, S. C, degree, 953. Lindley, B. M., degree, 74. Lindley, W. C, degree, 78. Lindsay, C. E., degree, 82. Lindsay, H. W., degree, 953. Luney, R. T., degree, 307. Lindholm, K. J., appointment, 945. Link-Belt Company, contract awarded, 64. Link, Hilah J., degree, 304. Linkins, R. PL, appointment, 51, 249. degree, 79. Linnell, Carrie E., degree, 951. Linsley, C. M., degree, 954. Linsley, G. H., degree, 306. Lipp, G. R., degree, 956. Liss, O. L., degree, 76. List, of degrees conferred, 73, 242, 303, 936, 950. Literature and Arts, College of, degrees, 74., Litigation, report on, 159. Litman, Simon, appointment, 51, 798, 892. Litscher. A. A., degree, 956. Little, C. R., degree, 952. Little, R. P., appointment, 167, 915. Littleton, A. C, appointment, 843. Livesay, Ruth P., degree, 951. Livesay. W. B., degree, 76. final honors, 81. Livestock, Advisory Board, 9, 227. Lloyd, J. W., appointment. 57, 805. leave of absence, 280, 929. Lloyd, T. H., degree, 306. Loan Fund, Margaret Lange James, see James, Margaret L. Loan Funds, status of, 274. summary of, 274. Locomotive, description of, 877. Loewe, G. M., appointment, 870. Lofgren, David, degree, 936. Logan, C. C, appointment, 55, 802. Loing, Fern M., degree, 304. Long, J. O., degree, 951. Longueville, J. C, degree, 305. Lonius, J. O., appointment, 800. Loomis, Metta M., appointment, 63, 833. Loomis, R. S., appointment, 49, 796. Lopez, A. V., degree, 76. Lorch, G. J., appointment, 128, 839. Loring, J. B., appointment, 130. 840. Lot, Pharmacy School, price, 43. Lotz, H. B., degree, 953. Louis, J. E., degree, 76. Love, C. S., degree, 954. Love, Irene, appointment, 843. Love, Mary E., appointment, 60, 809. degree, 951. Lowenthal, L. C, degree, 956. Lower, P. E., degree, 77. Lowis, Benjamin, degree, 936. • Lu, C. T., degree, 954. Lucas, J. B., appointment, 48. Lucey, P. J., opinion, 238. Luckett, C. L., degree, 75. Ludvik, B. E., degree, 951.