UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 1434]

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UNIVERSITY OE ILLINOIS. Jensen, M. O., degree, 304. Jerdan, A. L., degree, 310. Jervis, Florence M., degree, 955. Jessen, H., degree, 306. Jesser, Jacob, 956. Jester, Marie, appointment, 810. Jewell, M. E., appointment, 249. degree, 309. Jez, L. C*., degree, 955. ; final honors, 960. Jillson, N. W., degree, 78. Jindrich, G. W., degree, 242. Jirka, F. J., appointment, 128, 839. Job press, appropriation for, 942. John, D. T., degree, 75. Johns, W. E., degree, 47. final honors, 81. Johnson, A. K., degree, 242. Johnson, Alice, appointment, 59, 808. Johnson, C. A., degree, 82. Johnson, E. E., degree, 956. Johnson, E. G., degree, 956. Johnson, Edna L., degree, 952. Johnson, E. S., degree, 78. Johnson, F. T., appointment, 842. Johnson, Gertrude E., appointment, 792. Johnson, H. E., degree, 83. Johnson, H. S., degree, 305. Johnson. J. J., appointment, 810. Johnson, L. C, appointment, 842, 915, 892. Johnson, M< C, commission, 961. degree, 954. Johnson, Mary F., degree, 951. Johnson, M. L., degree, 953. Johnson, M. W., degree, 952. Johnson, O. W., degree, 936. Johnson, R. C, degree, 74. Johnson, R. U., degree, 76. Johnson, W. L., degree, 308. Johnson, W. P., degree, 78. Johnston, C. H., appointment, 49, 250, 795, 892. Johnston, D. I., degree, 952. Johnston, J. H., appointment, 248. degree, 959. . Johnston, Florence R., degree, 304. Johnston, K. L., degree, 82. Jones, A. E., degree, 308. Jones, C. C, degree, 306. Jones, D. O., appointment, 795. Jones, D. R., degree, 953. Jones, E. S., appointment, 49, 796. Jones, H. S. V., appointment, 49, 250, 795, 892. Jones, I. E., degree, 78. Jones, J. R , degree, 952. Jones, L. T., appointment, 54, 251. degree, 311. Jones, M., appointment, 166. Jones, M. D., degree, 306. Jones, Ora,h, appointment, 856. Jones, P. E., degree, 305. Jones, P. "V. B., appointment, 50, 796. Jones, R. R., appointment, 60, 251, 809, 898 Jones,' R. ,T., appointment, 52, 799. Jones, Sadie, appointment, 945. Jones, T. S., appointment, 63, 831, 842. Jongewaard, W. J., degree, 82. Jordan, H. H., appointment, 52, 800. Jordan, J. G., degree, 83. Jordan, Louis, appointment, 795. Jory, H. W., degree, 75. Joseph, W. E., appointment, 56, 804. Journal of English and Germanic Philology, report of, 942. Journalism, courses in, equipment for, 830. Joyner, Mildred, degree, 951. Jue, J. H., degree, 304. Juers, R. H., degree, 82. June, Marjorie M., degree, 304. Jungkunz, L, F., degree. 952.

Investment of Bryan Fund, 777. Invitation to American Chemical Society, 246. Irish, fellowship in, 947. Irish, H. E., appointment, 128, 839. Irvin, S. P., degree, 304. Isaacs, T. R., degree, 306. Isham, A. E., degree, 82. • Israelson, William, degree, 956. Italian, accepted for admission, 190. Jablow, C , appointment, 248. Jack, A. S., degree, 83. Jackman, C. H., degree, 954. final honors, 960. Jackman, J. C., degree, 82. Jackson, Mabel, appointment, 60. degree, 304. Jacob, E. A., degree, 75. Jacobs, C. M., appointment, 128, 841. Jacobsen, C. A., degree, 956. Jacobsen, W. H., degree, 304. Jacobson, M., degree, 242. Jahr, M. E., appointment, 55, 803. degree, 77. Jain, R. S., degree, 306. James, Carl Martin, Collection accepted, 773. James, E. A., commission, 312. degree, 306. final honors, 312. honors, 311. James, E. J. address to General Assembly approved, 246. appointments, 83, 102, 131, 138, 166, 184, 203, 204, 229, 270, 286, 297, 298, 781, 792, 826, 841, 856, 869, 881, 915, 927, 944. authority to print annual reports, 134. bill for traveling expenses, 65, 810, '836. gifts to University, 165, 773, 942. letter to Dr. P. Billings, 872. Mill Tax Fund, 230. re-elected, 219. report, 767. resolutions of sympathy for, 136. trusteeship of Illinois Women's College, 118. James, Helen D., scholarship, 943. James, L. V., appointment, 52, 799. James, L. W., degree, 306. James, Margaret L. Loan Fund, addition to, 192. administration of, 191. authority to accept gifts, 200. deed of gift, 185. gift accepted, 186. presented, 165. regulations, 221. Jamison, A. W., appointment, 54, 249, 804. Jamison, Michal V., degree, 957. Janson, J. M., appointment, 48. degree, 75. Janvrin, C. B., appointment, 809. Jaracz, W. J., degree, 956. Jarvis, Rowling, degree, 953. Jarvis, W. B., Jr., degree, 304. Jay, Edith L., appointment, 139, 806. Jefferson; J. B., degree, 954. Jeffrey, C. W., degree, 308. Jeffries, D. W., degree, 956. Jenner Medical College, occupancy of medical building, 933. Jennings, C. G., commission, 961. degree, 953. Jennings, W. W., appointment, 249. degree, 303, 957, 928. fellowship, 944. honors, 311. Phi Beta Kappa prize, 312. Jensen, J. N., degree, 80.