UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 1435]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916
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INDEX. Junior Extension, State leader appointed, 242. Jurisprudence, College of Dentistry, budget, 834. department of, 63. Jutton, Emma R., appointment, 59, 808. Kadinsky, M. J., degree, 954. Kahlert, T. D., degree, 954. Kahn, C. S.f degree, 83. Kahn, M., degree, 308. Kakacek, J. J., degree, 242. Kamm, O., appointment, 48, 249, 794. degree, 310. Kamm, R. M., degree, 952. Kamm, W. F., degree, 952. Kammlade, W. G., appointment, 248, 804. Kan, C. C, degree, 74. Kane, R. A., degree, 75. Kane, R. C, degree, 953. Kan tor, James, degree, 953. Kaplan, J. H., appointment, 63, 834. degree, 83. Kapsa, P.' R., appointment, 129. Karr, Ruth A., degree, 304. Karr, W. G., appointment, 48, 794. degree, 958. Karrer, S., appointment, 54, 801. fellowship, 944. Karraker, A. H., degree, 954. Karraker, G. W., degree, 304. Karcher, F. J., degree, 75. Karges, H. G., degree, 76. Karsten, Eleanor G., appointment, 59. Karsten, W. H., appointment, 915. commission, 961. degree, 954. Katz, Harry, degree, 956. Kaun, R. F., degree, 76. Kawamoto, Tane, degree, 953, 958. Keach, W. M., degree, 954. Keehner, A. F., degree, 76. Keen, F. F., degree, 304. Keener, H. A., appointment, 928. Keener, O. S., degree, 952. Keese, A. W., degree, 304. Keiser, Albert, fellowship, 943. Keith, M. H., appointment, 132. Keith, Mary H., appointment, 804. Keitoku, Sakai, degree, 951. Keller, A. R., degree, 953. Keller, B. O., degree, 74. Keller, Florence, degree, 304. Keller, O. A., appointment, 56. Keller, R. B., appointment, 54, 802. Kelley, B., settlement of suit, 154. Kelley, C. F., appointment, 47. Kelley, F. H., degree, 954, 955. final honors, 960. Kelley, H. P., degree, 954. . Kelley, R. L., degree, 75. Kellner, V. V., degree, 82. Kellogg, A. L., appointment, 204. degree, 304. honors, 311. Kellogg, J. M., appointment, 52, 799. Kellogg, S. A., degree, 954. Kelso, Ruth, appointment, 49, 796. Kempner, A. J., appointment, 50, 250, 797. Kempton, F. E., appointment, 47, 794. Kennedy, L. E., 796. degree, 304, 309. Kennedy, R. E., appointment, 53, 800. Kenner, B. F., degree, 954. Kenshalo, Ralph, degree, 955. Kenyon, F. N., degree, 77. Kercher, O., degree, 77. Kercher, O. B., degree, 76. Kern, E. A., degree, 75. final honors, 81. Kern, Floy, appointment, 139, 808. Kern, Y. H., degree, 954.



Kernall, M. J., degree, 79. Kernall, Pearle K., degree, 307. Kerrigan, P. F., degree, 75. Kessler, J., appointment, 132, 797. degree, 309. Kessler, R. B., degree, 78. Keys, deposit fee, 44. Kibbe, L. A., degree, 305. Kidd, A. E., degree, 74. Kiessig, P. P., degree, '955. Kile, Jessie J., appointment, 60, 132, 842. degree, 79. Kile, Laura L., appointment, 856. Kimmel, Levett, degree, 954. Kirwan, Nora, appointment, 59. Kilby, H. S., degree, 76. Kindred, J. E., appointment, 798. degree, 309. King, D. L., degree, 954. King, E. L., degree, 306. King, E. R., degree, 308. King, F. B., degree, 77. King, J. L., appointment, 249. King, J. L., degree, 958. King, O. A., appointment, 128, 840. King, Ralph, degree, 956. King, Vivian, degree, 951. Kingman, R. EL, appointment, 798. Kingsley, J. S., appointment, 51, 798. Kinley, David, appointment, 51, 58, 792, 807. leave of absence, 939. letter to Attorney General, 237. nomination of scholars and fellows, 248, 943. Kirby, W. L, degree, 76, 304. Kircher, A. M., degree, 953. Kircher, E. A. T., degree, 81, 306. Kirchoff, R. C, awarded Plym Fellowship. 942, 960. Kirk, G. G., degree, 77. Kirk, B. L., degree, 78. Kirk, H. S., degree, 303. honors, 311. Kirkland, A., degree, 74. Kirkland, A. F., degree, 305. Kirkpatrick, E. L., degree, 78. Kirkpatrick. F. A., appointment, 781. degree, 75, 958. final honors, 81. honors, 81. Kirkpatrick, N. R., degree, 75. Kirkpatrick, S. D., degree, 952. special honors, 960. Kirkup, Florence M., appointment, 58. Kirshman, J. E., appointment, 139. Kirwin, Nora, appointment, 808. Klamt, R. H., degree, 954. Klank, Frances G., degree, 951. Kleager, S. A., degree, 308. Kleen, G. M., degree, 75. Klehm, G. C, Jr., degree, 307. Klein, C. A., American Institute of Architects Medal, 960. degree, 953. Klein, Gordon, appointment, 808, 928. Klein, R. G., degree, 308. Kleinau, Emma A., degree, 951. Kleinschmidt, H. W., degree, 82. Kleinschrodt, B. L., degree. 77. Kline, E. K., appointment, 796, 892. Kline. R. G., degree, 956. Klingler. R. J., degree, 955. Klopp, C. G.. degree, 954. Knapp, Aurella, appointment, 59, 808. Knapp, L. D., appointment, 184. degree. 305. Knapperberger, H. F., degree, 953. Knemeyer, E. F., degree, 305. Knight, A. R., appointment, 52, 800. Knight, C. K., appointment, 52. Knight, L. C., degree. 308. Knight, P. K., degree, 952. final honors, 960.