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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
INDEX. Gibson, C. R., degree, 306. Gibson, Helen E.; appointment, 950. Gibson, Mabel H., appointment, 59. degree, 307. Gibson, O. H., degree, 951. Giehler, P. J., degree, 76. Gift, L. H., appointment, 869. Hazelton Gold Medal, 82. Gift of Rothamsted Experiment Station acknowledged, 198. Gifts, Amanda K., Casad collection, 941. Aristotle's Ethics, 942. Chitty, W. C., books, 810. Constance Barlow-Smith collection, 936. engineering apparatus, 879, 939, Fourteenth century manuscripts, 942. James, Edmund. J., by, 165, 941, 942. to Margaret Lange James Loan Fund, 165, 192. to B'nai B'rith library fund, 203. Smith, T. J., by,. 106, 114. Gilbert property, purchase authorized, 768. Gilbert, J. H., degree, 955. Gilbert, Minnie E., degree, 951. Gildersleeve, M. E., degree, 75. Gilkerson, H. C, appointment, 55, 803. Gilkey, J. R., degree, 954. final honors, 960. Gillet, J. E., appointment, 796, 892. Gill, H. L,, appointment, 60, 251, 809. commended by Illini Club of Chicago, 127. Gill, G. T., degree, 307. Gilmore, R. E., appointment, 139, 794. Gilmore, L. M., degree, 306. Gilmore, R. A., degree, 956. Gittins, E. M., degree, 80. Glasgow, H., degree, 49, 796. Glasgow, R. D., appointment, 928. Glassco, R. T., degree, 306. Glenn, Eleanor, appointment, 132, 800. Glessing, Barbara F., degree, 951. Glick, E. E., degree, 954. Glimstedt, O. H., appointment, 781, 809, 893. , Glover, A. C, appointment, 227. Glover, Anna C, appointment, 802. Glover, D. M., degree, 952. Glover, H. M., degree, 956. Glover, L. W., degree, 78. Glover, R. C, degree, 307. Glover, W. E., degree, 305. Gochnaur, O. M., degree, 308. Godfrey, Eleanor, degree, 303. Godehn, R. A., degree, 953. Godeke, H. F., appointment, 53, 800. degree, 959. Goebel, Irma G., degree, 303. . Goebel, Julius, appointment, 50, 796. Goetz, Antoinette, appointment, 59. degree, 307. Goelitz, W. H., degree, 952. Goff, R. A., degree, 306. Goggin, J. G., degree, 956. Going, J. F., degree, 78. Goldberg, Benjamin, degree, 956. Goldberg, Charlotte B., B'nai B'rith prize, 960. Goldberg, P. H„ degree, 75. Golden, W. B., degree, 304. Golden, W. E., appointment, 139. degree, 305. Goldman, E. R., degree, 305. Goldman, M. S., scholarship, 943. Goldman, R., degree, 74. Goldsmith, Margaret L., scholarship, 944. Goldstein, R. S., degree, 954. Goltermann, R. W., degree, 936. Goldthwaite, Nellie E„ appointment, 57, 806. Gorham, L. A., degree, 242. Gorman, J. S<, degree, 83. 1429 Gordon, G, J., degree, 308. Gordon, Marie A., appointment, 798. Gonnerman, H. F., appointment, 53, 102, 802. Gonsior, A., degree, 76. Gooch, Gretchen L., degree, 951. Goodenough, G. A., appointment, 53, 800. Goodfriend, S. H., degree, 308. Goodkind, M. L., appointment, 127, 839. Goodmann, L. I., degree, 75. Goodspeed, W. S., appointment, 52, 800. Goss, W. F. M., appointment, 54, 798, 801. leave of absence, 73. extended, 187. Gosser, H., appointment, 842. Gossett, Vera O., degree, 304. final honors, 312. Gotthelf, E. J., degree, 82. Gottschalk, C. G., degree, 308. Goulding, P., S., appointment, 59, 808. Gourley, M. J., degree, 79. Goy, M., degree, 308. Grabbe, Florence, appointment, 139. Grabbe, J. C, degree, 954. Grades, reports, 769. Grading of students, College of Medicine, 121. Graduation requirements, 295. Graduate assistants, 24. Graduate School, admission to, 191. appropriations, 266, 822. budget, 58, 216, 807. degrees conferred, 78, 308, 956. expenses, 58. fellowships, 82, 248, 943. officers, 13. requirements for admission, 191. scholarships, 202, 248, 943. summary of salaries, 61. Graduation, changes in requirements for College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 930. Graff, A. A. 1., degree, 953. Graham, A. J., appointment, 129, 841, 915. Graham, degree, 936. Graham, Elizabeth E., degree, 303. Graham,' R. W., degree, 308. Graham, W. M., degree, 957. Grant, C. T., degree, 953. final honors, 960. Grant, H. W., degree, 74. Grant Memorial University, 876. Grant, Ruth M., degree, 951. Grantham, G. M., degree, 77. Graves, C. E., appointment, 59, 808. Graves, P. H., degree, 304. Gray, Cora E., appointment, 57, 806. Gray, Greta, appointment, 57, 806. Gray, Ruth, degree, 951. Grayhack, J. E., Jr., degree, 953. Green, A., appointment, 50, 796. Summer Session appointment, 892. Green, Alta, degree, 302. honors, 311. Green, B. A., degree, 78. Green, Bessje R., appointment, 51, 798. Green, C. F., appointment, 797. Green, Eulalie, degree, 304. Green Engineering Company awarded contract, 64. Green, Frederick,^ appointment, 58, 806. leave of absence, 920. Green, Otis M., land offer, 41. Green, R„ degree, 305. final honors, 312. honors, 311. Greenburg, R. E., degree, "306. Greene, A. R., degree, 77. Greene, D. C, collection accepted, 776. Greene, E. B., appointment, 50, 796.
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