UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 1428]

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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Gallie, D. M., appointment, 62, 834. degree, 308. Gallagher, A. M., degree, 74. Galloway, T. W., appointment, 251. Galpin, Stella, appointment, 139, 808. Galpin, S. B., degree, 78. Gamble, C. C, degree, 304. Gamble, D. T., degree, 77. Gamble, W. E., appointment, 130, 840. Game, protection of, 850. Ganser, S. E., appointment, 102. Gants, E. T., degree, 954. Gardiner, J. L., degree, 303. Gardner, Harry, appointment, 53, 801. Gardner, J. J., appointment, 57, 805. degree, 80. Gardner, S. M., appointment, 103. Garman, P., appointment, 249. degree, 80, 959. Garner, J. W., appointment, 51, 797. Garrett, F. W., appointment, 55, 803. Garrett, J. F., degree, 75. Garrity, J. G., degree, 83. Garver, N. B., appointment, 52, 799. Garwood, Frances, appointment, 796. Gasen, Harry, degree, 936. Gaskill, D. A., degree, 75. Gas plant, experimental, 854. Gaston, R. M., degree, 959. Gates, L. V., degree, 956. Gathercoal, E. N., appointment, 63, 807. Gatward, W. A., degree, 958. Gauger, J. F., appointment, 842. degree, 954. Gauger, Marguerite E., scholarship, 944. Gaut, Rosa L., appointment, 60, 809. Ga.y, Amelia L., degree, 309. Gayle, R. E., degree, 954. Gehant, Evelyn E., degree, 955. Gehrmann, Adolph, appointment, 63, 130, 839. Gehrig, E. F., degree, 306. Geib, G. A., commission, 961. degree, 953. Geiger, C. F., appointment, 869. degree, 305. final honors, 312. honors, 311. Geiling, E. M. K., degree, 310. Geispitz, V. L., degree, 242. Geist, H. F., degree, 959. General Assembly, address to, 246. General contractors, policy of dispensing with, 894. General departments, expenditures, 211, 787. General engineering drawing, see Drawing. Gentle, G. E., appointment, 55, 803. Genetics laboratory, location of, 828, 847. plans for, 837. adopted, 828. report on, 866. Geology, budget, 49, 796. fees, changes, 929. Geological Survey, State, commission, 3 4. staff, 34. George, Elia, appointment, 830. George, L. G., degree, 303. Gephart, W. F., appointment, 298. Gere, H. B., degree, 75. Gere, R. C, appointment, 842. German; department of, budget, 50, 796. Summer Session appointments, 250. Germann, F. E. E., appointment, 58. Gernert, W. B., appointment, 55, 802. Gerton, W. R., degree, 305. Getman, R. L., degree, 76. Gerry, H. L., appointment, 48, 794. Geyer, D. L., degree, 81. Geyer, Grace M., degree, 951. Geyer, Helen F., appointment, 842.

Frank, W. L., degree, 75, 77. Franke, M. E., degree, 82. Frary, H. D., appointment, 797, 893. fellowship, 944. Fraser, R. F., degree, 242. Fraser, Viola, appointment, 59, 808. Fraser, W. J., appointment, 56, 804. leave of absence, 240. extended, 942. Frayer, D. S., degree, 305. Frazee, Anna D., degree, 951. Frazee, R. C, degree, 77. Frazer, G. C, degree, 306. Frazer, G. E., appointment, 51. report, 141, 169. resignation, 187. accepted, 222. Frazier, A. Q-, degree, 303. Frazier, J. B., Jr., degree, 77. Frye, Hazel M., degree, 303. Freark, P. W., degree, 954. Frechet, R. M., appointment, 58. Frederickson, Sophia H., degree, 956. Freels, W. T., degree, 955. Freeman and Brooks, contract awarded, 105. Freeman, P. J., degree, 959. Freer, Louise, appointment, 809. Freight locomotive, deposit of, 868. Freilich, E. B., degree, 82. Freilich, H. H., degree, 308. French, B., appointment, 869. French, H. E., appointment, 842, 915. French, H. H., degree, 77. French, R. W., degree, 77. French and Spanish, Summer Session appointments, 250. French, W. M., appointment, 128. Frey, H. O., payment of hospital bills for, 921. Friedl, W. J., degree, 936. Frier, John, degree, 954. Frise, L\ C, degree, 308. Frisk, J. A., appointment, 53, 800. Fritz, H. R!, appointment, 842. Froberg, E., appointment, 103, 830. Fuels, railway, tests of, 888. Fulkerson, J., appointed on Live Stock Committee, 227. Fluks, E. B., cooperation in coal tests, 885. Fullenwider, E. L., scholarship, 943. Fuller, E. G., appointment, 248. degree, 303, 311. Fuller, H. C, degree, 305. Fuller, William, appointment, 128, 841. Fullerton, R. M., degree, 308. Fulton, Edward, 49, 795. Fulton, G. C, degree, 953. Funds, consolidation authorized, 45. demanded by State Auditor, 228. loan, status of, 274. mill tax, 230. Smith-Lever, establishment of, 244. transfer of, authority for, 850. trust, transactions, 269. Furby, R. L., appointment, 839. Furnishings for Administration Building, 247. for Chemistry Building, bids on, 856. Furniture, fixtures, and equipment, expenditure, 210. funds, 855. Gable, G. E., degree, 75. Gaddis, A. M., degree, 76. Gaelic, fellowship in, 947. Gaffney, C, appointment, 139, 781, 832, 842. Gage, J. H., commission, 961. degree, 952. Gage, R. P., degree, 77. Galgano, M. A., degree, 82.