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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
INDEX. Feedwater meter, bids, 64. Feeding plant, estimate for, 934. plan for, 837, 937. Feeney, E. L., appointment, 945. Fees, budget, 785. keys, 44: laboratory, 40, 161, 226, 775, 850. approval, 41. changes in, 929. medical, 294. organ, practice, use of, 919. photography, 226. Registrar's report of, 130, 251, 825, 914, 926. student, 209. Fehrman, Florence, degree, 303. Fehrenkamp, Winifred, appointment, 52, 799. Felcher, G. L., degree, 308. Feldkamp, A., appointment, 139. Feldman, J. E., degree, 954. Felger, W. B., degree, 952. Fellowship, additional in Engineering Experiment Station, 224. Fellows, graduate, 248, 943. appropriation for, 919. Plym, awarded, 82, 245, 312, 942, 960. extended, 187. research, Engineering Experiment Station, 249, 944. Felsenthal, Emma, appointment, 59, 807, 808. Felter, M. E., degree, 75. Feng, K. K., degree, 305, 958. Fentz, F. C, degree, 76. Ferguson, A. D., appointment, 129. Ferguson, C. M., degree, 307. Ferguson, Constance W., scholarship, 944. Ferguson, F. C, degree, 951. Ferguson, Florence R., degree, 951. Ferguson, H. F., appointment, 881, 810. Fernholz, J. J., degree, 309. Fernsemer, O. F. W., appointment, 945. Fetherston, J. E., degree, 956. Fetherston, J. M., degree, 77. Fieg, R., appointment, 47, 794. Field guns, requested for cadet corps, 156. Fielder, W. F., degree, 75. Fielding, E. W., appointment, 48. Fiero, E. E., appointment, 204, 792. degree, 74. Fifield, C. E., degree, 952. Filbey, E. J., appointment, 792. Final honors, 81, 312, 960. Finance Committee, appointed, 248, 926. meeting, 232. report, 114. Findley, E. K., appointment, 130, 840. Finfrock, C. L., degree, 78. Fink, Madge, appointment, 842.. Fink, M. S., degree, 956. Finnegan, J. H., degree, 954. Finney, Stella B„ degree, 303. Finsand, Victor, degree, 956. Fire protection, equipment, expenditure, 211, 786. Fischer, C, appointment, 869. Fischer, H. L., degree, 76. Fischer, Lawrence, degree, 953. Fischmann, E. W., appointment, 129, 840. Fish, J. L., degree, 306. final honors, 312. Fisher, Abigal E.. degree, 303. Fisher, B. S., degree, 78. Fisher, Erwin, degree, 952. Fisher, Eva J., degree, *951. Fisher, F. A., appointment. 55. 803. Fisher, F. L., appointment,, 83. degree, 309. Fisher, Helen V., degree, 951. Fisher, L. N., degree, 80. Fisher, O. S., appointment, 55. 142? Fisher, W. L., degree, 77. Fishman, A. T., degree, 955. final honors, 960. scholarship, 943. Fisk, I. W., appointment, 52, 799. degree, 80. Fisler, O., degree, 83. Fitz-Gerald, J. D., appointment, 51, 797. promotion, 773. Fitz-Gerald, Leora A., degree, 951. Fitzgerald, G. M., degree, 308. Fitzgerrell, J. A., degree, 954. Flannery, R. E., appointment, 129, 841. Flaningam, M. L., degree, 79. Flattery, Amanda M., appointment, 5.9, 808. Fleener, F. L., degree, 79. Fleeson, E. H., appointment, 248. Fleming, D. F., Bryan prize essay, 312. degree, 951. Fleming, Georgia E., appointment, 57. , 806, 892. Fleming, V. R., appointment, 53, 801. Fletcher, C. P., degree, 76. Fletcher, E. C, appointment, 139, 830. Fletcher, J. A., degree, 77. Fletemeyer, F. R., degree, 953. Floden, H. L., degree, 306. Flom, G. T., appointment, 50, 796. Floriculture, Advisory Board, '9. investigations, 214. Flowerree, Trennace, degree, 957. Fock, E. A , degree, 953. Foesterling, F. J., degree, 959. Fogg, A. K., degree, 305. final honors, 312. honors, 311. Foglesong, L. E., appointment, 57. Folsom, J. M., appointment, 49, 250, 796, 928. Fonda, J. E., degree, 308. .Fong, G. Y., degree, 306. Fontaine, E. O., degree, 303. Fontaine, E. O., appointment, 59, 808, 928. Forbes, G. R., appointment, 298, 793. Forbes, S. A., appointment, 49, 796. report on State Laboratory of Natural History, 158. Ford, J. T., appointment, 48, 794. degree, 958. Fordyce, A. W., degree, 956. Foreign students, adviser, 12. report, 293. Forestry plantation, transfer of, 895. to be renamed, 942. Forkey, Mildred L., degree, 955. Formusa, A. C, degree, 308. Forty, F. A., degree, 306. final honors, 312. Foster, C. W., degree, 78. Foster, D. D., degree, 304. Foster, E. R., degree, 76. Foster, F., appointment, 842. Foster, L. F., degree, 80. Foster, O. F., degree, 77. final honors, 81. Foster, W. D., appointment, 102. Footit, F. F., appointment, 48, 204, 794. decree, 958. Foulke, C. C, degree, 952. Fournadjieff, D. G., degree, 308. Fourteenth Century manuscript presented to University, 942. Fowler, W. M., degree, 303. Fox, E. F., appointment, 128, 839. Fox, N. I., degree, 82. Fox, R. E., degree, £2. Fracker, S. B., degree, 80. Frailey, L. E., degree, 74. Franchere, C. M., degree, 308. Francis, F., degree, 78. Francis, Helen E., degree, 951. Frank, Edwin, appointment, 132, 800.
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