UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 1422]

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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Commerce and Business Administration, College of—Concluded. credit for work in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 930. Dean, appointment of, 767. officers of administration, 12. Commissions, Illinois National Guard, 82, 312, 961. Committee appointments', 248, 781. ' Committee meetings, records of, 829. Committee of the Board, 248, 926. Comptroller, appointed, 247. introduced, 272. office of, 11. adjustment of work, 188. report of, 65, 84, 141, 169, 252, 899. authority to print, 134. resignation, 187. accepted, 222. Comptroller, assistant, delegation of signing of warrants, 222. Comstoqk, A. F., appointment, 54, 801. Comstock, D. F., degree, 304. Comstock, H. B., degree, 75. final honors, 81. Conat, M. L., appointment, 58. degree, 307. final honors, 312. Conboy, L. .J., degree, 76. Concerts, band, charge for chairs, 281. Concerts, orchestra, expenditure, 212, 787. income from, 209, 785. Condit, H. S., degree, 956. Conel, J. L., appointment, 51, 204, 798. degree, 959. Conferenc'e, High School, 922. Conference Medal, 1915, 312. 1916,'961. Conley, C. C, degree, 82. Conley, D. O., degree, 952. Conley, T. E., degree, 82. Constitutional Committee, appropriation, 203. Conto, L. S., degree, 953. Contracts, new buildings, awarded, 298, 302. Contractors, general, policy of dispensing with, 894. Converse, L., degree, 83. Convocations, expenditures, 212, 787. Conway, J. M., degree, 308. C. P. A. examinations, admission, 244. Coogan, Jane, appointment, 869. Cook, A. J., degree, 83. Cook, Dorothy E., appointment, 945. Cook, W. O., appointment, 795. Cooke, D. G., appointment, 248. degree, 309. fellowship, 943. Cooke, L. J., degree, 242. Coolidge, E. D., appointment, 63, 834. Coolidge, R. N., degree. 953. Cools, G. V., degree, 951. Cooper, A. R., appointment, 249. fellowship, 944. >. Cooper, C. E., degree, 954. Cooper, D. "W., degree, 953. Cooper, E. A., degree, 952. Cooper, J. S., degree, 956. Cooper, Ward, degree, 956. Cooperative mines investigation, expenditures, 215, 788. Copley, Beatrice V., appointment, 842. degree, 303. Cooprider, F. V., degree, 82. Corbly, L., degree, 307. Corcoran, E. A., appointment, 128. dropped from medical faculty, 203. Corzine, B. H., degree, 951. Cordell, Delia G., appointment, 869. Cordell, Eula E., degree, 303. Cordell, Vail, degree, 9.51. Corley, S., degree, 305.

Cline, B. F., degree, 74. Cline, I. R., commission, 312. degree, 305. Cline, L. A., degree, 76. Clinebell, H. J., degree, 954. Cliner, M. E., degree, 75. Clinical Building, 940. site, 778, 837, 849. committee on, 811. Clippinger, F. W., scholarship, 943. Cloud, Eva, appointment, 251, 927. Clover, I. N., degree, 306. Clyman, D., degree, 305. Coal and ash handling equipment, bids, 64. Coal, contracts, 194. Coal mining investigations, budget, 802. staff, 34. Coals, Illinois, test on, 885. Cobb, Frieda, degree, 952. Cobb, H. R., degree, 956. Cobb, M. V., appointment, 132, 795. Colburn, Mildred L., degree, 303. honors, 311. Cochran, C. B., degree, 304. Cockrell, F. M., degree, 76. Codlin, H. E., degree, 77. Cody, M. M., degree, 956. Coffey, G. C, degree, 78. Coffey, G.. N., appoincment, 188, 802. Coffey, H. B., degree, 74. Coffey, W. C, appointment, 56, 803. Coffman, L. D., appointment, 49, 250. called to University of Minnesota, 247. resignation, 281. Cogdal, H. F., degree, 306. Coghlan, B. K., degree, 959. Cohen, J. O., B'nai B'rith prize, 82. Cohler, L., degree, 308. Cohn, A., degree, 75. Cohn, J. S., appointment, 128, 839, Colbert, J. R., degree, 74. Colby, A.. S., appointment, 57, 805, 891. degree, 310. Colcord, F. M., degree, 306. Colcord, Mary E., degree, 957. Cole, A. C , appointment, 50, 796, 893. Cole, F. L., degree, 82. Cole, H. L., degree, 77. Cole, H. W., appointment, 103, 830. Coleman, P. W., degree, 306. Collections, safeguarding of, 859. College academic, in Chicago, petition for, 162. College of Agriculture, see Agriculture, College of. College of Engineering, see Engineering, College of. College of Law, see Law, College of. College of Medicine, see Medicine, College of. College Place lots, 889, 947. College presidents, conference of, 860. Colleges and Schools, officers, 12. Collings, G. H., fellowship, 943. Collom, Mary E., degree, 304. final honors, 312. Colson, H. D., appointment, 63. Colson, H. E., degree, 306. Colson, H. W., appointment, salary, 806. Colton, R. S., degree, 954. Clovin, Esther M., degree, 309. Combined course, Liberal Arts and Law, 243. Commencement exercises, Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry to be held in Urbana, 192. Commerce and Business Administration, College of, appropriations for, 823. budget, 51, 216, 791, 798. created, 244.