UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 1419]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916
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INDEX. Brannon, G. R., degree, 306. Brannon, H. F., degree, 78. Brayton, D. 1VL, degree, 75. Breedis, J., appointment, 59. degree, 952. Breedlove, L. B., degree, 76. Breese, C. S., degree, 958. Bregger, T., appointment, 57. Breistadt, Emma M., degree, 951. Brestitadt, Huldah C., degree, 951. Brekke, M. T., degree, 242. Brengle, D. R., degree, 82. Breneman, A. L., degree, 954. Brennan, W., degree, 74. Brentlinger, C. M., degree, 953. Breton, J. F., degree, 76. Brigade, authorized, 44. Briggs, Evelyn, appointment, 166, 793, Brigham, R. O., degree, 79. Bright, L. O., degree, 304. Brinkerhoff, V. W., degree, 952. Britton, P. E., appointment, 59. degree, 307. Britton, W. E., degree, 78. Broadhurst, Tabitha J., appointment, 792. Brock, J. S., degree, 77. Brock, W. S., appointment, 806. degree, 306. Broderson, H. J., appointment, 48, 794. Brodsky, L. Ii., degree, 308. Broehl, W. G., degree, 74. Broday, Esther, appointment, 138, 831, 841. Brogmus, E. J. P., degree, 308. Bromberg, N., degree, 305. Brondo, P. H., degree, 308. Bronson, L. O., degree, 78. Bronson, R. B., degree, 952. Bronson property, committee action, 233. offered to University, 137, 222. Brooks, Elizabeth M., degree, 303. Brooks, Ethel I., degree, 951. Brooks, Fannie M., appointment, 806, 304. Brooks, L. W., decree, 306. Brooks, Morgan, 52, 799. Brooks, N. C, appointment, 50, 796. Brooks, R. H., degree, 954. Brooks, Verna, appointment, 60, 809, 893 Brothers, E. D., appointment, 63, 130, 834, 839. Brown, C. A., degree, 77. Brown, C. K., degree, 82. Brown, C. W., degree, 954. Brown, D. C, degree, 308. Brown, E. A., degree, 306. Brown, E. M., appointment, 128. Brown, E. S., degree, 77. Brown, H. D., appointment, 132, 805. degree, 77. Brown, H. T., degree, 76. Brown, Ina M., appointment, 59. Brown, J. B., appointment, 841. degree, 83, 305. Brown, J. C, appointment, 795. Brown, J. F., degree, 307. Brown, K. G., degree, 951. Brown, Lisbeth, degree, 951. Brown, Mary A., land offer, 41. Brown, P. H., degree, 303. Brown, R. E., degree, 82. Brown, R. H., appointment, 129. Brown, R. R., degree, 952. Brown, W. R., degree, 304. Browne, L. A., degree, 79. Browne, L». E. J., degree, 956. Browne, W. H., appointment, 103, 830. recommendation, fees, 294. report on fire in Medical Building, 127. request, import order, 225. Bruce, W. R., appointment, 795. Brucker, E. A., degree, 956. Bruington, E. V., degree, 954." final honors, 960.


Bruner, Mary V., degree, 957. Brunkow, N. F., degree, 74. Brunskill, E. R., appointment, 138. degree, 305. honors, 311. Brunson, A. B., appointment, 56. Brunson, A. M.f appointment, 803. Brush, Elizabeth P., appointment, 50, 797. Bryant, F. W., degree, 83. Bryan, A. L., degree, 82. Bryan fund, investment, 777. Bryan prize essay, 312. Bryan, Sarah E., appointment, 59, 808. Bublitz, W. J., degree, 76. Buchanan, H. C, appointment, 54, 841. Buchanan, R. I., degree, 306. Buchen, W. A., appointment, 49. Bucher, E. G., degree, 305. Buck, A. M.. appointment, 54, 801. Buck, P. E., degree, 76. Bucke, W. S., degree, 936. Buckler, C. W., degree, 304. Buckler, Helen I., appointment, 793. Buckles, Mildred, appointment, 806. Buckner, O. S., degree, 953. Buckrucker, W. O., degree, 242. Budget, 1914-1915, 47, 208. 1915-1916, 783. approved, 61, 217. buildings, 810. dental, 61, 837. expenditures, 210, 786. income, 209, 784. medical, 61, 830. pharmacy, 61. provisional expense, 61, 779. Summer Session, 891. Budget committee, legislative, 126. report of, 943. Budget policy, 42, 165. Budina, A. O., degree, 75. Buell, Mary V., appointment, 795. Buell, T. H., degree, 953. Buellesfield, H., degree, 309. Buenger, Katherine M., degree, 304. Buhai, A. S., degree, 953. Buhai, M., degree, 76. Building program, 866, 890, 933. Buildings, Agricultural College budget, 215. appropriations for, 816, 903. balances on, 210. bids, 289, 299. contracts, 298. expenditure, 210. plans, 194, 778, 899. policy, 42, 194. state appropriations for, 209, 785. Buildings and Grounds Committee, appointed, 248. meeting, 836. report, 63, 284. Bumstead, A. A., degree, 77. Bull, Maude E., degree, 307. Bull, Sleeter, appointment, 56, 804, 891. Bullard, G. A., degree, 74. Bullen, C, appointment, 129. Bulot, F. H., degree, 76. final honors, 81. Bunch, Mamie, appointment, 57, 224, 806. degree, 75. Bundy, C. E., degree, 308. Bunge, R. W., degree, 76. Bunting, K J., degree, 77, 951. Burd, H. A., degree, 311. Burge, W. E., appointment, 50, 797. Burger, A., appointment, 808. Burger, C. V.. appointment, 841. Burggraf, C. I., degree, 76. Burgoon, D. W., degree, 953. Burke, A. W., appointment, 839. Burke, R., degree, 76. final honors, 81. Burkhart, C. W., appointment, 48.