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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
INDEX. Barman, S. C. D., degree, 304. Barnes, A. L.., degree, 305. Barnes, Mary G., appointment, 869. Barnes, Nelle, degree, 303. Barnes, O. A., degree, 952. Barnes, R. D., commission in Illinois National Guard, 961. degree, 953. Barnes, R. O., degree, 304. Barnett, A. H., degree, 308. Barnett, E." J., degree, 956. Barnhart, J. M., appointment, 56. Barr, O. A., degree, 79. Barreau, A. M., commission, 312. degree, 305. Barrett, C. W., appointment, 840. Barrick, N. E., degree, 75. Barringer, Edna, degree, 303. Barron, A. E., appointment, 129. Barron, A. F., degree, 306. Barron-Harrison, Annie E., appointment, 840. Bartels, Nellie F., degree, 951. Earth, E. F., degree, 954. Bartholow, J. S., degree, 951. Bartley, J. S., degree, 953. Bartling, C. H., appointment, 839, 869. Bartling, H. W., degree, 76. Barto, D. O., appointment, 56, 249, 804. Barto, Harriett T., degree, 951. Barto, P. S., appointment, 50, 250. communication, 783. Bartow, Edward, appointment, 48, 794, 810. Barton, H. J., appointment, 48, 795. Baruch, I., appointment, 249. Basadre, F., degree, 76. Bass, G. W., degree, 76. Battery F equipment, storage for, 867. Battery of Artillery, 839, 850, 858. Bates, Margaret M., appointment, 881. Bauer, C, appointment, 881. Bauer, F. C , appointment, 55. Bauer, H. L»., degree, 77. Bauer, J. P., appointment, 802. Bauer, K M., degree, 75. Baumgarten, A. W., degree, 76. Baumgardener, H. C, appointment, 138. Baumgarther, Rachel, appointment, 138, 204, 798. degree, 957. Baumstein, M., degree, 308. Baxter, H. T., degree, 82. Baxter, V. B., degree, 77. Bayley, P. K, appointment, 54, 251, 801, 893. degree, 79. Bayley, W. S., appointment, 796. Beach, A. A., degree, 74. Beach, F. H., degree, 951. Beach, R., appointment, 52. Beach, W. S., appointment 794, 892. Beadles, Jessie R., appointment, 138, 804. Beal, G. D., appointment, 48, 249, 794, 892 Beal, *W. H., degree, 951. Beall, J. P.. degree, 303. Beard, J. H., appointment, 50, 192, 204, 797. typhoid fever investigation, 43. Beard, W. P., degree, 306. Beattie, G. W„ degree. 77, 309. Beattie, H. J., appointment, 795. Beatty, A. J., degree, 309. Beatty, E. C. O., commission, 961. degree, 951. honors, 960. Phi Beta Kappa prize. 960. Beatty, E. G., degree, 308. Beatty, Hannah J., degree, 956. Beauhien, W: P., commission, 961. degree, 953. Beaumont, G. £., degree, 77. final honors, 81. 1417 Bebb, E. A., degree, 955. final honors, 960. Bebb, Forrest, degree, 955. final honors, 960. Beck, C, appointment, 49, 796. Beck, C. B., degree, 957. Beck, J. B., appointment, 129. Beck, Martha S., degree, 303. Beck, Mary L., appointment, 83. degree, 309. Becker, A. J., degree, 311. Becker, E., degree, 83. Becker, Georgia, appointment, 138. Becker, L. M., degree, 954. Beckman, William, degree, 936. Bedient, Ethel L., scholarship, 943. Beebe, C. K., degree, 75. Beekley, J. S., appointment, 797. Behr, H. R., degree, 953. Behrensmeyer, Helen, degree, 951. Beifuss, E. L., degree, 306. Benjamin, H. W., degree, 75. Belgian Relief Commission, 835. Bell, E. D., degree, 306. Bell, K. C, commission, 961. degree, 952. Bell, L. R., degree, 76. Bell, Mary A^ degree, 303. Bell, Norma, appointment, 856. Bell, R. L.., degree, 311. Bellamy, A., degree, 78. Belnap, N. D., degree, 74, 955. honors, 81. final honors, 960. Belshaw, C. F., degree, 954. Belt, J. H., degree, 310. Beltz, J. S., degree, 953. Benedict, B. W., appointment, 53, 800. Benjamin, M. G., degree, 76. Benner, A. J., degree, 304. Benner, W. J., degree, 304. Bennett, A. N., appointment, 810. degree, 310., Bennett, F. L„ degree, 955. Bennett, Hazel M., degree, 951. Bennett, J. F„ degree, 956. Bennett, L. N., degree, 74. Bennett, W. H., degree, 304. Benson, A. E., degree, 305. Benson, Susan T., appointment, 204, 808. degree, 955. Benson, E. O., appointment, 128, 339. , Bentley, M., appointment, 51, 797. Bentley, R. L., degree, 77. Bentz, C. L..; degree, 953. final honors, 960. Berg, B. C, degree, 951. honors, 960. Bergin, C. E., degree, 956. Berger, J. M., appointment, 129. Bergman, A., degree, 76. Bergland, F. H., degree, 77. Bergmann, F., degree, 305. Berkema, I. J., degree, 309. Berlin, Marie V., degree, 951. Berman, H. H., degree, 956. Bermingham, E., appointment. 129, 841. Bernard, F . J., appointment, 63, 834. Bernard, Iv. C, degree, 75. Berninger, Harriet J., appointment, 795, 927. degree, 303. Bernhard, F. J., appointment, 944. Bernhardt, Josephine E., degree, 951. Bernhardt, Pearl A. M., degree, 304. Bernstein, Alick, degree, 956. Bernstein, N. M., degree, 956. Berry, E. H.. degree, 76. Berwald, C. H.,' degree, 306. Betts, A., degree, 308. Bevier, Isabel, appointment, 57, 224, 806. Bevis, A. L.., degree, 952. Beyer, Elizabeth G., degree, 951. Beyer, O. S., appointments 869. Beyer, Vera, degree, 304.
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