Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1324 UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S . INSTRUCTION VOUCHERS—Continued. [Apr. 18, No. Date. To whom. For what. Amount. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1916 8317 Apr. 18 N. W." Hepburn 8318 .do Bertram Abney 8319 .do Edward Pennock 8320 .do P. W . Kessmger.... 8321 .do.... Albert Tate 8322 .do Dan G. Swannell 8323 .do Central Scientific Co 8324 .do Florists' Publishing Co 8325 .do.... W. R. Stillwell 8326 .do;... Jolly-Wieland & Richardson Co 8327 .do The Milwaukee Leader 8328 .do.... Montgomery, Ward & Co 83291 .do The J. C. Lundstrom Mfg. Co 8330 .do.... F . A. Wiltz. 8331 .do The Randall Machinery Co 83321 .do Frederick N. Evans..." 8333' .do.... H. C. Wheeler 8334 .do Eugene Dietzgen Co 8335 .do.... Western Stoneware Co 8336 .. do.... Charles H. Besly & Co 8337 .:do.... G. R. Grubb&Co 83381 do.... Woldenberg & Schaar 8339 do.... Wm. Goodbody * 8340 . .do The Standard Calorimeter Co 8341 . . do The Hammond Typewriter Co 8342 . . d o . . . . Chicago Surgical & Electric Co 8343 . . d o . . . . The Monarch Engineering & Mfg. Co. 8344 .. do Lansing Co 83451 Eimer & Amend 83461 Norton Co 8347 . . d o . . . . E. H. Sargent & Co 83481 . .do Mrs. E. Brown 8349 . .do H. A. Rattermann 83501 . . d o . . . . V.Mueller & Co 8351 . .do Maaa Brothers 8352I . .do The Chicago Tribune 8353 John Becker 8354 . .do.... Whitall Tatum Co 8355 . .do Fuller-Morrisson Co . . d o . . . . F . J . Burns & Co . .do Neostyle Co Arthur Ochs Barron Bros. Coal Co . .do.... Western Lumber Co .. .do.... Swift & Co . .do Central Scientific Co 8363 . .do Calumet Laundry Co 8364 .do Mallory, Mitchell & Faust 8365 .do Keystone Type Foundry. 8366 .do Bradner, Smith & Co 8367 . . d o . . . . H. K. MulfordCo 8368 .do.... Physicians' Supply & Drug Co 8369 do.... R. D. Swisher Mfg. C o . . . . 83701 .do.... Peck & Hills Furniture Co 8371 do.... Marshall Field & Co 83721 .do Huntley Dairy Co 8373 .do Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co 8374 do Louden & Flaningam 83751Apr. 19Payroll. 'Alley, W. E Barnes, Mary G Beadles, Jessie R Brownfield, Lelah Buchanan, Harold C Buckles, Mildred Byland,.T. C Clemence, Hazel Craigmile, Jeannette Crawford, C. C Cuerden, Fay Custer, Emma Dalton, C. E Davis, Vera M Fieg, Robert J Garwood, Frances Garwood, Helen S Geyer, Helen Glenn, Eleanor •. . , Traveling expenses Laboratory supplies... Field work do Premiums .... laboratory supplies... Florist's review Pump repairs Lime and sulphur General supplies Laboratory apparatus.. Dogs Machine repairs Traveling expenses Office supplies . Laboratory supplies... General supplies Zinc etchings Laboratory supplies... Office supplies Laboratory supplies... Office supplies Laboratory apparatus.. do do Laboratory supplies... do do Books Laboratory supplies... General supplies Advertising Laboratory supplies... Live frogs Stencil paper Guinea pigs Hay 1 |Bireh Laboratory supplies... Laundry Advertising Printing equipment... General supplies Laboratory supplies... General supplies do.. File. General supplies Laboratory supplies. General supplies Printing.... April, 1916 Salary .do .do.. .do..... .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do.... .do .do ..' .do .do .do .do 5 9 19 10 14 10 00 21 49 37 29 14 00 5 15 1 00 10 00 19 95 3 00 2 05 13 47 .6 00 3 20 7 32 52 38 3 05 31 68 11 58 5 00 66 00 4 20 11 25 1 20 19 60 180 00 19 50 682 14 12 16 33 09 43 56 1,75,0 00 12 20 9 91 3 60 27 00 64 21 37 65 8 40 37 80 24 00 2 49 5 76 2 00 6 75 80 94 16 00 7 84 35 37 9 02 2 50 1 20 8 40 1 24 1 52 8 05 2 00 4,429 99 $100 00 65 00 65 00 50 00 70 00| 65 00 . 50 00 70 00 50 001 70 00 50 00 75 00 50 00 55 00 50 00 60 00 50 00| 50 00 55 00