UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914 [PAGE 1260]

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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Beard, J. H., appointment, 73, 613. extra compensation, 721. Bebb, Kenneth, degree, 47. Bebb, M. R., degree, 233. final honors, 238. t Bebb, Mabel F., degree, 45. Beck, J. B., appointment, 610. Beck, J. C, appointment, 645. Becker, A. J., appointment, 107. Becker, Edna, degree, 745. Becker, Georgia, appointment, 750. Becker, M. L., degree, 232. Beckington, O. R., degree, 44. Beef breeds, purchase of specimens, a p propriation asked," 191. Beef Cattle Building, original cost, 148» Beem, lone F., degree, 239. Beers, Cyrenius, Jr., degree, 47. Beilin, A. M., degree, 53. Bell, J. E., appointment, 77. degree, 237. Beckley, B. R., degree, 45. Belt, J. H., degree, 46. research fellowship, 222. Belting, C. H., degree, 47. Belting, P. E., degree, 44. honors, 52. Belts and sabres to be given to officers in the regiment, 226. Benedict, B. W., appointment, 615. Bennett, A. N., appointment, 769. Bennett, C. S., degree, 50. Bennett, C. E., degree, 44. Bennett, J. B., bid, addition to library, 728. protest against noise of Locomotive Testing Laboratory, 724. Bennett, S. A., degree, 44. Bennitt, R. A., degree, 231. Benson, E. O., appointment, 644. Bentley, I. M., appointment, 103, 610. Berbaum, Edward, appointment, 615. Berg, E. J., request, 272. Bergeim, Olaf, degree, 50. Berger, F. E., degree, 231. Berger, J. M., appointment, 645. Berger, Wallace, degree, 231. Berkemeyer, W. C, degree,' 46. Bernard, F. S., appointment, 646. Berry, E. B., degree, 54. Berry, E. H., appointment, 674. Bevier, Isabel, appointment, 72, 83, 620. Beyer, Melinda L., appointment, 675. Beyer, Vera, appointment, 769. Beyerlein, A. L., degree, 53. Bicknell, G. H., degree, 54. Bids, authorized for Stock Pavilion, 129. oh wiring, plumbing, etc., for certain building, 649. service buildings for horticultural greenhouses, 117. Transportation Building, 42. see also names of buildings. Bids and Contracts, vegetable greenhouses, 106. report of, 662. Biegler, P. S., appointment, 646. Biesta, E. H., degree, 54. Biester, Alice, degree, 45, 234. final honors, 52. Billman, DeWitt, degree, 48. Binding, L. R., appointment, 107, 618. Birds' eggs, gift to museum, 657. Birk, J. W., appointment, 646. Biroth, Henry, memorial resolutions, 64. Black, C. D., degree, 50. Black, J. L., signing of bond, 207. Black, R. O., degree, 44.

Ballenger, J. R., appointment, 646. Ballenger, W. L., appointment, 645. Balmer, F. B., degree, 213. Bambergelr, Arrie, appointment, 661. attending physician, 645. Bane, Geneva M., degree, 47. Bane, Juliet L., degree, 47. Band scholarships, appropriation, 87, 696. Barbecue for Illinois Cattle Feeders' Association, proposed, 592. Barber, Julia M., degree, 229. scholarship, 752. Barber, L. C, degree, 229. Barger, Panzy L., appointment, 78. degree, 49. Barker, F. D., Summer session appointment, 772. Barlow, Bronson, appointment. 107, 646. appointment authorized, 260. degree, 236. Barlow-Smith, Constance, appointment, 83, 620. ., „ A Barnes property, purchase - ordered, 654. Barnes and Forbes properties, purchase of, 753. Barnhart, J. M., appointment, 82, 619. degree, 50. Barnet, I. F., degree, 239. Barnum, M. H. and M. K„ gifts to museum, 657. Barrett, C. W., appointment, 644. Barrett, O. G., degree, 47. Barron, Annie B., appointment, 646. Barrow, Wade, Guthrie and Co., audit report, 225. Barry, Mary C, degree, 44. Bartells, H. H., appointment, 107. degree, 231. Bartlett, F. K., appointment, 674. Barto, D. O., appointment, 619. Barto, P. S., appointment, 75, 610. degree, 237. Summer session appointment, 770. Barton, H. J., appointment, 75, 609. Summer session appointment, 771. Bartow, Edward, appointment, 72, 612, 629. recommendation, Water Survey, 271, 629. request, 199. Bascome, B. S., degree, 231. Baskind, N. I., degree, 239. Bassett, C. W., degree, 47. Bassler, H. H., degree, 239. Bates, S. C, degree, 45. Bates, S. J., appointment, 104, 599, 612. degree, 51. Batkin, P. J., appointment, 123. Bauer, F. C, appointment, 82, 618. Summer session appointment, 770. Bauer, F. W., degree, 45. Baum, A. E., degree, 45. Bauman, L. P., degree, 232. Baumann, T. A., degree, 45. Bayley, P. L., fellowship in physics, 752. scholarship, 222. Bayley, W. S., appointment, 613. Baxter, F. G., degree, 49. Beach. Robin, appointment, 674. Beal, G. D., appointment, 77, 612. Summer session appointment, 770. Beal, J. H., to conduct research work in pharmacy, 765. Beall, C. W., degree, 45.