Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

730 UNIVERSITY OP I L L I N O I S . [Jan. 30 General University No. Date. Warrants—Continued. For what. Amount. To whom. 1912. 9568 Jan. 24 S. E. Huff & Co 9569 John W. Stipes 9570 A. O. Magnuson ~ 9571 O. E. Staples, chief clerk 9572 O. E. Staples, chief clerk 25 F r e d L . Hatch 9573 Jan. 9574 K. B. Carpenter 9575 C. C. Logan 957b Jan. 29 F. M. Simpson 30 Stone & Forsythe 9577 Jan. 9578 The Chester Transfer Company 9579 Eschenbach Printing Company 9580 The Hektograph Manufacturing 9581 Theme reading Anna S. Palmer 9582 Tubes Wilson-Maeulen Company 9583 Picture framing Marshall Field & Company 9584 Sweet & ^Maxwell Books 9585 Flanigan-Pearson Company Printing 9586 M. C, Lilley & Company Flag, etc ; 9587 Portraits W. Heffer & Sons, Ltd 9588 Apparatus R. Fuess 9589 Thomas McGraw Corn : 9590 Slides R. F. Hildebrand 9591 Pencils Efoerhard Faber 9592 The Chicago Live Stock World Subscriptions 9593 A. H. Barker Creamery Supply Co Wrappers 9594 Dr. F. Stoedtner : . . . . . Photograph 9595 W. J. Boehm Laboratory apparatus..... 9596 The Standard Calorimeter Company 9597 W. L. Gaines Expenses 9598 A. F. Krueger 9599 Peoria Stone & Marble Works Marbl^ 9600 Electrip Storage Battery Company Battery 9601 E. Leybold's Nachfolger Tube 9602 Jahn & Oliver Engraving Company Zinc diagrams 9603 F. C. Carter ...1 Books 9604 Det Kongelige Photos.... 9605 Maggs Bros Books 9606 .... F. Bock Photos 9607 General Electric Company Cutouts 9608 Olney Milling Company Bran, etc „... 9609 McLean Lumber Company Lumber 9610 Alex Harmon & S o n . . . . . . Horse shoeing. 9611 Egyptian Packing Company Barrels 9612 C. Easier Harness, etc. 9613 Jolly, Wieland & Richardson Company.. Hardware, etc 9614 "... Alfalfa ,. 1 Snively & Montgomery 9615 Gescha^tsstelle des Sprechsaal Books 9616 Binding Ernst HeTtzberg & Sons. 9617 Wm. Wesley & Son. Books 9618 W. F.-Renk Ewe..-. 9619 Purdue University Ram 9620 The Beardsley Hotel Company Hotel bills 9621 C. H. Stoelting Company Chronometer 9622 Albert Wuesteman Repairing clock 9623 Illinois Electrical Manufacturing Co. Rewinding transformer.. 9624 H. A. Hollister. Expenses 9625 B. F. Workman . Rent. •9626 H. Mueller Manufacturing Company Tin pipe, etc 9627 Illinois State 'Penitentiary Furniture 9628 The Beck Duplicat r Company Duplicator 9629 Mills Electric Companv Electric fixtures 9630 Pantagraph Pr'nting & Stationery Co... Printing 9631 ..^o Whitall Tatum C o m p a q Laboratory supplies 9632 Mcintosh Stereopticon Company Lenses and carbons 9633 B. A. Strauch Photo prints, etc Lewis Electric Supply Company 9634 Labor 9635 Leavitt Man factoring Company..... Labo" and materals 9036 General Chemical Company Laboratory supplies 9637 duller & Fuller Company 9638 T. H. F b o d & Company ' Books 9639 Champaign Steam L" undry Washing 9640! iThe Boston Boo^ Company Books 9641 E. C. Schmidt Expenses 1 96421 do 'Bennett's Newspaper & Magazine Agency Books and subscriptions. plicating Company & Du- Lumber Cement, etc Blue printing Express bills paid Freight bills paid Expenses Butter , Expenses Toweling Drayage and carriage hire. Books Duplicator $ 83 65 35 59 363 19 71 10 26S 51 29 00 1 15 93 06 20 75 6 50 21 34 10 00 3 25 18 00 3 77 18 45 95 72 102 75 17 65 3 22 256 04 . 12 50 10 80 52 20 12 00 20 00 39 36 12 50 10 82 60 35 20 49 46 00 7 00 28 56 53 70 80 50 349 47 34 25 66 38 37 43 12 45 20 26 2 50 16 95 28 40 12 75 26 80 38 18 26 73 20 00 55 00 50 00 3 50 38 65 2 50 37 50 21 59 70 01 13 47 43 30 12 00 27 90 178 95 78 68 16 35 4 50 18 80 67 16 T76 78 34 60 28 25 32 41 12 60 52 0 30 15