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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

706 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Dec. 28 General University No. Date. To whom. Warrants—Continued. For what. i Amount. I 1911. 7754 Dec. 20 Lewis Electric Supply C o m p a n y . . . . . Labor and materials 7755 ..do Walker & Mulliken. Furniture 7756 ..do iTwin City Roofing & Sheet Metal Worksl Labor and materials ..do 7757 ..do Leavitt Mfg. Company 7758 ..do..... Mills Electric Company Electric supplies 7759 ..do Hardware Henry H. Soule 7760 ..do..... Hunter, Rourke & Company. Lumber .... 7761 ..do Hardware, etc C. A. Hall Hardware Company 7762 ..do..,.. J. C. Thomas ..do ... -. 7763 ..do Hay. Maxwell Hay Company 7764 ..do Oil, etc Standard Oil Company 7765 Dec. Field expenses . 21 A. L. Moats 7766 ..do ..do A. E. Morris ..ho W. L. Mays 7767 ..do Butter 7768 Dec. 22 P. J. Peterson Advertising 7769 ..do The Daily Illini Expenses 7770 ..do..... D. O. Barto Maps 7771 ..do Rand, McNally & Company Laboratory supplies 7772 ..do Truax, Greene & Company . , Gravel, stone, cement 7773 ..do J. W. Stipes Books 7774 ..do A. W. Krey Expense 1 F. C. Lincoln 7775 ..do *. End screws 7776 ..do Cudworth & Crandall , 'Swartz Electric Shop -. Sockets 7777 ..do Oil and whiting 7778 ..do J. H. Rice Company Drugs, etc 7779 ..do:.... H. Swannell & Son Dry goods 7780 ..do G. C. Willis Printing 7781 ..do The Urbana Courier Company Telephones •....7782 ..do Automatic Electric Company Expenses 7783 ..do J . J. Yoke Harness, etc 7784 ..do..... | The Miller Harness Company Foundry work 7785 ..do E. M. Burr & Company Laboratory supplies. 7786 ..do E. H. Sargent Company Lumber 7787 ..do S. E. Hufi & Company Dry goods 778S ..do F. K. Robeson Cables, conduits and supplies. 7789 ..do Western Electric Company Lumber 7790 ..do W. W. Walls & Company Printing 7791 ..do Illinois State Reformatory 7792 ..do IThe University of Illinois Supply Store . Office supplies Loan 7793 ..do DeWitt Billman ..do 7794 ..do H. H. Harwood Payment on contract English Bros. 7795 ..do Expenses Allen F. Moore 7796 ..do Book • 7797 Dec. 23 A. H. Mayhew Milk 7798 Dec. 28 T. F. Jordan .do R. T. Lumsden -7799 ..do r do Herriott •. 7800 ..do .do C. E. Gilmer. 7801 ..do 1 .do 7802 ..do H. Wascher do I.Gray 7803 ..do .do W. Gerdes 7804 ..do do..... 7805 ..do !P. Rodgers do 1 C. Ross 7806 ..do do W. S. Besore .7807 ..do .do 7808 ..do..... F. Rayburn .do J. D. Armstrong. 7809 ..do .do Len Rayburn 7810 ..do .do 7811 ..do i G. Reifstack -do E. Grove ,.. 7812 ..do E. P . Grove....do , 7813 ..do L. P. Rayburn .do 7814 ..do E.E.Cook.... .do 7815 ..do B. Jordan. do 7816 ..do H. J. Gillespie -do... 7817 ..do [ J. Munde .do : 7818 ..do E. G. Davis .do 7819 ..do |J. B. Marsh .do .....:....;.... 7820 ..do J. M. Smith .do. 7821 ..do IT. Clancey .do.: 7822 ..do .do 7823 ..do..... H. M. Corray .do G. W. Van Meter : 7824 ..do .do 7825 ..do...... G. C. Gordon L. T. Lindsey I .do , 7826 ..do .do F. H. Busey 7827 ..do .do S. Guinn 7828 ..do I .do 7829 ..do 1J. E . Toppin 5 19 20 32 08 126 00x 147 92 241 75 33 05 453 69 85 15 53 18 565 59 105 68 45 70 141 19 22 52 8 48 2 00 9 42 8 60 73 48 49 63 175 00 2 20 13 43 3 40 178 86 13 29 7 25 80 73 123 09 79 54 22 10 190 66 235 92 93 75 84 43 221 23 359 23 1,420 00 194 55 75 00 150 00 21,000 00 105 55 1 00 37 20 4 52 12 40 13 06 9 19 14 21 12 04 26 60 13 64 25 89 21 69 2 62 5 09 11 85 3 64 15 39 2 81 29 67 5 13 16 68 12 14 11 02 10 04 3 34 25 23 29 56 9 76 14 89 16 72 17 86 6 38 8 93
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