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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1910] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. £9 On motion of Mr. Crebs and by the following vote the recommendation of the committee was approved: Ayes, Messrs. Abbott, Blair, Crebs, Oront, Hatch, and Moore and Mrs. E v a n s ; noes, n o n e ; present and not voting, Mrs. B a h r e n b u r g ; absent, Governor Deneen, Mr. Meeker, and Mrs. Busey. A C C E P T A N C E OF P H Y S I C S B U I L D I N G . The following communication was received from Mr. Zimmerman, State Architect: CHICAGO, Sept. 20, 1910. Mr. William' L. Abbott, President of Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, 139 Adams St., city: DEAR SIR—I enclose herewith a copy of a self-explanatory letter from Professor White regarding the acceptance of V. Jobst and Sons' work on the Physics building at the University. I recommend that the amounts called for on certificates herewith be paid to the contractors. Yours respectfully, W. CARBYS ZIMMERMAN. (Copy.) URBANA, I I I . , Sept. 19, 1910. W. G. Zimmerman, Chicago, III.: I enclose herewith a bond received from V. Jobst and Sons, to protect the University from any obligations arising on account of the failure of F. H. Norton. This bond seems to me satisfactory; and as the trustees are to be in session in Chicago tomorrow, I would suggest that you recommend that they formally. accept the Physics building from the contractors, and authorize a final settlement with V. Jobst and Sons. I know of no obligation remaining on the part of the general contractors which is not covered by this bond. Yours truly, J. M. WHITE, Supervising Architect. On motion of Mrs. Bahrenburg it was voted t h a t the Committee on Buildings. and Grounds make final settlement with V. Jobst and Sons, contractors for the Physics Building as recommended by the Architect. COAL CONTRACT FOR 1910-11. The Secretary presented the following communication from the Committee on Buildings and Grounds: Mr. W. L. Pillsbury, Secretary, Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, Urbana, III.: DEAR SIR—Without previous authorization the Buildings and Grounds Committee advertised in several coal trade papers for bids for a supply of coal for the University, for the year ending Aug. 31, 1911, and- in response to this advertisement three bids were received, which were opened and canvassed at a subsequent meeting of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, held August 26 at 139 Adams St., Chicago. The bids were found to be as follows: MINE RUN SCREENINGS. Montgomery County Coal Co., $1.70. $1.40 F. O. B. Big Four, Urbana. South Oakwood Coal Co., $1.65. $1.30 F. O. B. cars at boiler house. Electric Coal Co., $1.65. $1.30 F. O. B. cars at boiler house. Your committee was disappointed at not receiving a greater number of bids, but we attribute it to the then prevailing labor condition in the Illi-
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