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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1910] PAPER PROCEEDINGS OF T H E BOARD OF TRUSTEES. R—INVENTORY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, JULY 1, 1910. 19 Permanent. Departments. Apparatus and material. ; 1,280 57 1,713 77 727 00 4,858 00 19,189 83 11,992 78 1.179 50 22,204 70 11,992 78 28,012 75 7,807 45 2.180 45 29,829 20 19,070 00 1,029 00 11,810 17 14,263 50 926 34 274 94 1,323 00 277 15 1,704 48 35,308 88 1,549 00 273 86 ' 10,715 10 284,00 25,475 54 500 00 191 07 4,679 36 19,758 43 282 49 29,516 86 35,267 05 336,572 85 35,000 00 2,330 35 79,725 08 3,755 27 29,665 69 85,447 30 4,801 40 19,210 08 6,441 24 59,484 01 3,582 27 2,076 65 3,062 35 24,782 44 176 16 114,528 19 8,450 82 1,008 90 1,518 50 3,663 25 Ul, 182,731 "Variable. Total. Museum and Commercial illustrative material, matter. etc. $ 159 75 Academy , Art and design Astronomy Art gallery. Architecture Agricultural College Agricultural extension Animal husbandry Agronomy Agricultural Experiment Station.. Botany ., Ceramics Chemistry Civil engineering Classical Dairy husbandry : Dentistry College English Economics Engineering Experiment Station.. Education Entomology Electrical engineering College of Engineering Mining engineering Fire apparatus German. Geology Geological survey Graduate School. . . Household science Horticulture History Laboratory of Natural History Laboratory of Applied Mechanics. Library Law library Mathematics Medical College Museum. Military band Military department Mechanical engineering :. Music Pharmacy Physiology Physics Physical training, women Physical training, men Psychology Railway engineering Romance language Steam department. Telephone system. Grounds Veterinary science Zoology Total $ " 10,'i43'66' $ 3,278 00 1,184 00 "5,*895*60' 25,000 00 1,450 00 11,945 80 1,991 00 864 30 999 15 1,214 63 503 36 915 51 1,418 57 3,050 00 135 16 430 75 1,305 09 10,000 00 "i,"723'55' 4,821 04 1,985 29 1,584 80 166 75 431 50 1,926 00 1,440 32 1,713 77 10,870 00 4,858 00 19,189 83 15,270 79 1,1*9 50 24,603 33 11,992 78 28,012 75 13,703 05 2,180 45 54,829 20 20,520 00 1,029 00 23,755 97 14,263 50 926 34 2,265 94 1,323 00 277 15 2,568 78 36,308 03 1,549 00 273 86 10,715 10 284 00 25,978 90 500 00 191 07 5,594 87 22,482 09 282 49 32,566 86 35,402 21 337,003 60 35,000 00 2,330 35 79,725 08 10,000 00 , 3,755 2V 29,665 69 91,991 89 4,801 40 19,210 08 8,426 53 61,068 81 3,749 02 '2,076 65 3,493 85 26,708 44 176 16 114,528 19 8,450 82 1,008 90 1,518 50 3,663 25 $41,003.84 . $53,518 76 $1,277,254 40
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