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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

18 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. PAPER C—UNITED STATES F U N D . June 30,1910. Appropriated. [Sept. 20 Expended. Balance. Morrill Fund— Agricultural College General Nelson Fund— Agricultural College General $12,500 00 12,500 00 $7,500 00 7,500 00 $40,000 00 $12,500 00 12,500 00 $7,500 00 7,500 00 $40,000 00 PAPER L — R E C E I P T S AND REMITTANCES OF T H E C H I E F CLERK FOR T H E T H R E E M O N T H S ENDING J U N E 30, 1910. . Balance March 31,1910. University fees •. Locker fees. Diploma fees Special fees Summer Session fees Accountancy Agricultural College Buildings and grounds Edward Snyder fund, interest Edward Snyder fund, principal Heat and light ... Incidentals Library and appratus School of Music Journal of Philology Blue printing department Civil engineering department Mechanical engineering department Academy laboratory Botany laboratory Chemical laboratory Electrical laboratory Entomology laboratory Geology laboratory Physics laboratory Physiology laboratory Zoology laboratory , Applied mechanics laboratory Adams fund, receipts Hatch fund, receipts Crop experiments, receipts Dairy investigation, receipts Feeding experiments, receipts Floriculture, receipts Nutrition investigation, receipts Soil examination, receipts Water survey, receipts $12,013 12 %. • , — , :.. — ,... ^ $ 1,667 75 134 00 2; 839 00 269 75 4,368 50 300 40 16 600 26 84 22 18 87 335 00 297 08 87 95 131 46 60 00 287 15 622 80 43 00 164 54 63 50 55 22 -892 75 22 20 33 00 12 00 33 50 5 08 30 30 745 50 126 22 10 45 348 20 112 78 912 20 315 00 19 25 945 43 250 75 35,245 06 $47,258 78 REMITTANCES ro H. A. HAUGAN, TREASURER. April April June June 15 Credit w a r r a n t s . . . . 29 Chicago draft ' 4 Chicago draft 27 Chicago draft and credit warrant. J 1,306 94 10,000 00 10,000 00 10,120 00 31,426 94 15,831 84 Balance June 30,1910 $47,258 78-
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