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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1912] PROCEEDINGS OE THE BOARD OE TRUSTEES. 569 Davenport's letter: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Bahrenburg, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Grout, Mr. Hatch, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Moore; noes, n o n e ; absent, Mr. Anthony, Mr. Deneen, Mr. Meeker. DISCUSSION; OP A T H L E T I C SITUATION. President James outlined to the board the present athletic situation in the Intercollegiate Conference, particularly with reference to the so-called "Amateur Bule," and asked whether the board wished to give him instructions on the questions involved, relating to the regulation and control of intercollegiate athletics. The matter was discussed at some length. No action was taken. O T H E R MATTERS P R E S E N T E D BY P R E S I D E N T J A M E S . The president of the University presented the following additional matters for consideration: AUTHORITY FOR LIBRARY EXCHANGES. (1) A request from Mr. P. L. Windsor, librarian, for authority to exchange such duplicate books, pamphlets, documents, maps, etc., as are not clearly needed in the University library or the various seminar or ^departmental libraries, for such books, pamphlets, documents, maps, etc., as may be needed, and may be obtained by exchange.. On motion of Mrs. Bahrenburg, it was voted that authority to make such exchanges be given to the librarian. ADJUSTMENT OP REBATES IN CHEMISTRY. (2) The following communication from Dr. W. A. Noyes, professor of Chemistry; CHEMICAL LABORATORY, March 5, 1912. President Edmund J. James: SIR—We have been accustomed in the past to furnish chemicals and apparatus to other departments of the University on the grounds that we order items of this kind, in large quantities, and frequently free of duty, and so secure the material at a much lower rate than would be the case if purchased direct by these departments. Previous to this year all bills for such chemicals and apparatus have been credited to our account, but during the current year Professor Shattuck has ruled that these items are not to be credited to our account unless re-appropriated by the Board of Trustees. We are accustomed also to return empty bottles and cases to the General Chemical Company, and this company pays the rebate on these direct to the University in cash. It is the rule now that these rebates also are not credited to our account unless' re-appropriated. The total amount of bills and cash payments for items of this type since July 1, 1911, is, at the present, $681.76. I would respectfully request. of the Board of Trustees that Professor Shattuck be directed to place this sum to our credit for the use of the Department of Chemistry, and that in the future all similar sums shall be placed to our credit without specific action on the part of the Board of Trustees. It is clear, of course, that we cannot afford to furnish chemicals and apparatus for any department of the University which may call upon us for these, unless we can be assured of reimbursement to our appropriation
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