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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1912] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Paper B—Concluded. December 30,1911. Appropriated. Expended. 559 Balance. Law building Law library stacks 1909-11 . . Law School Library, 1909-11 Library, 1911-13 Live stock specimens Medicine, College of Mines, investigations Mining building Mining engineering, 1909-11 . Mining engineering 1911-13.. Operating expensesBoard expense Buildings and grounds.. Comptroller's office Education, School of— Furniture and fixtures.. Heat and light High School Visitor Lectures , — Library stacks Library shelving Natural history library . President's office Printing and postage . . Registrar's office Salaries for instruction.. Salaries for services Summer session Unassigned Total operating expenses.. Pavements and walks Pharmacy, School of ,. Physics building, 1907-09 Sheep building Shop practice Social and political science Soil investigation Soil maps and investigation ." Stock investigation Telephone exchange . . . . . — University Hall, 1909-11 * Veterinary College & Research Laboratory, 1907-C Water investigation „ Water station, 1909-11 Water station, 1911-13 Water survey Woman's building addition Total - $ 15,000 00 $ 603 21 $ 14,396 79 10,000 0 0 10,000 00 * 25,000 00 9,172 92 15,827 08 50,000 00 50,000 00 25,000 00 5,084 92 19,915 08 22,500 00 9,421 69 13,078 31 60,000 00 60,000 00 5,000 00 242 98 4,757 02 25,000 00 11. 40 24,988 60 15,000 00 15,000 00 1,074 35 15,000 00 13,925 65 2,500 00 774 97 3,503 35 2,483 95 3,270 00 1,360 51 1,700 00 630 83 7,191 97 3,201 72 40,000 00 15,355 75 2,700 00 1,810 45 5,000 00 263 65 385 73 385 73 4,050 00 1,140 04 5,000 00 4;686 07 2,000 00 483 22 12,000 00 2.999 18 4,200 00 2,157 35 373,000 00 143,210 68 86,500 00 33,987 25 13.000 00 13,000 00 8,998 95 $575,000 00 $227,931 35 1,725 03 1,019 4a 1,909 49 1,069 17 3,990 25 24,644 25 889 55 4,736 35 2,909 96 313 93 1,516 78 9,000 82 2,042 65 229,789 32 52,512 75 8,998 95 $347,068 65 $ 4,000 00 $ 2,745 11 $ 1,254 89 10,000 00 7,630 00 2,370 0Q 250.000 00 250,000 00 2,000 00 .41 79 1,958 2i 6,000 00 1,289 34 4,710 66, ' 25,000 00 7,086 43 17,913 57 65,000 00 32,831 23 32,1158 77 25,000 00 1,789 63 23,210 37 25,000 00 17,022 08 7,977 92 1,500 00 1,500 00 250,000 00 239,495 49 i6,504 5i 30,000 00 23,588 77 6,411 23 15,000 00 3,759 45 11,240 55 6,000 00 5,201 50 798 50 2,000 00 2,000 00 7,500 00 4,203 13 3,296 87 125,000 00 1,838 09 123,161 91 $3,093,811 82 $1,458,738 27 $1,635,073 55 PAPER C — U N I T E D STATES December 30,1911. Morrill Fund— ' Agricultural College General Total, Morrill fund Nelson F u n d Agricultural College General Total, Nelson fund Total FUND. Expended. Balance. Appropriated. $12,500 00 12,500 00 $25,000 00 $12,500 00 12,500 00 $25,000 00 $50,000 00 $9,787 19 7,599 87 $17,387 06 $2,712 81 4,900 13 $7,612 94 $12,500 00 9,966 71 $22,466 71 $30,070 65 2,533 29 $2,533 29 $19,920 35
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