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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
540 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. P A P E R A — C U R R E N T APPROPRIATIONS. [Dec. 12 September 30,1911. Accountancy Agricultural College. Alumni Quarterly Alumni Record , Applied mechanics Art and design Auditorium acoustics Band instrument deposits Beck appropriation Blue printing Botany Chemistry Classics Crop receipts. Dairy receipts Dean of Men. Dean of Women Editing University bulletin.. Engineering building site Engineering College English Entomology Faculty tennis courts... Feeding receipts Floriculture receipts Geology Germanic languages High School Contest History Illinois Canners' Assn. fund , Incidentals Labor Law School. Library and apparatus Library School.. Library Student Assistants Library supplies.....".... Lincoln Hall dedication Literature and Arts, College of... Mathematics Medicine committee Military department Military and band scholarships... Mun. and Sanitary Engineering.. Music, School of Orchard receipts Philology, Journal of Philosophy Physical training, men Physical training, women Physics Physiology : Plym fellowship Political seience Psychology. , Public school drawing exhibits... Rebates to students Romance languages Science, College of. Snyder fund Snyder fund interest Sociology , Soil extension (I. C. R. R. fund) . Soil receipts Summer session Supervising architect Telephone exchange University fellowships Woman's league loan fund Zoology Total. Appropriated. Expended. Balance. $ 2,889 47 $ 278 60 7,039 61 13,652 37 1,000 00 250 00 500 00 178 69 2,678 79 22 20 500 00 354 61 85 94 25 00 230,00 350 00 750 00 626 54 4,337 16 502 29 1,760 78 4,726 68 10,000 00 100 00 38 90 408 30 1,670 66 4,404 19 : 166 70 530 41 2,700 00 400 00 60 78 1,000 00 109 51 1.499 50 11,750 00 30 87 1,750 00 402 72 225 56 3,503 66 114 02 1,121 92 200 00 400 00 150 00 1,000 00 10,000 00 60,000 00 4,700 00 479 .98 1,080 00 3,690 00 2 ' 4 00 ,55 750 00 800 00 , 400 00 104 23 950 00 2,000 00 173 63 1,050 00 35 49 739 10 200 00 1,200 00 600 00 1,521 09 800 00 1,000 00 50 00 560 04 50 00 4,278 25 100 00 700 00 3,770 70 600 00 50 00 500 00 749 28 2,000 00 1,800 00 1.500 00 2,400 00 214 00 4,050 00 $189,236 20 $ 2,610 87 6>612 76 750 00 500 00 2,500 10 477 80 268 67 205 00 400 00 3,710 62 1,258 49 5,273 32 61 10 1,262 36 4,237 49 2,169 59 339 22 1,000 00 1,389 99 11,719 13 1,725 13 24 87 385 78 16 94 225 56 3,378 95 124 71 106 60 7 42 1,116 10 5 82 198 50 1 50 400 00 89 46 60 54 1,000 00 8,831 53 1,168 47 45,180 51 14,819 49 3,978 82 721 18 4^8 64 1 34 1,051 72 3,477 20 212 80 2,421 81 123 19 750 00 737 38 62 62 400 00 102 73 1 50 688 34 261 66 2,000 00 173 63 871 11 178 89 35 49 443 85 295 25 191 55 8 45 1,200 00 578 40 21 60 925 88 595 21 793 58 6 42 600 00 400 00 50 00 294 63 265 41 50 00 3,596 25 . 682 00 91 66 8 34 575 08 124 92 3,570 70 200 00 600 00 34 00 16 00 350 00 150 00 235 73 513 55 668 04 1,331 96 512 63 1,287 37 138 85 1,361 15 225 00 2,175 00 214 00 3,708 75 341 25 $151,088 86 $38,147 34
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