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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

528 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Nov. 10 On the recommendation of the vice president the foregoing recommendations of Dean Qnine were approved. * Y. M. C. A. ELECTRIC CABLE. (5) A communication from Mr. W. A. McKnight, general secretary of the University Young Men's Christian Association, in regard to the cutting of the electric cable owned by the association; with a letter enclosed from Mr. J. A. Morrow, superintendent of buildings, in regard to the same matter; and with the recommendation that these communications be referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for recommendation. This recommendation was approved. MATTERS P R E S E N T E D BY T H E SUPERVISING ARCHITECT. Professor J a m e s M. White, supervising architect, presented the following m a t t e r s : CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR COMMERCE AND WOMAN'S BUILDINGS. (1) The following communication and recommendation with respect to bids received on the School of Commerce building and the addition to the Woman's building: UKBANA, ILK, NOV. 10, 1911. Mr. W. L. Abbott, President Board of Trustees, University of Illinois: DEAR MB. ABBOTT—I submit herewith a detailed schedule of the bids received on the Commerce and Woman's building. The low bid on the Commerce building is $89,980.00, submitted by A. W. Stoolman of Champaign, 111., and the low bid on the Woman's building is $81,336.00, submitted by English Brothers of Champaign, 111. Alternate propositions were received on the latter building, providing for the addition of tile arches for the third floor instead of a suspended ceiling, and for the substitution of plate glass. English Brothers' extras on these two items respectively are $2,100.00 and $500.00. Mr. Zimmerman joins with me in recommending the acceptance of Mr. Stoolman's bid on the Commerce building, and of English Brothers' bid on the Woman's building, with the two extras above referred to. I'recommend that the board authorize the awarding of these contracts, and that the ^question of further additions to the buildings be referred to the Buildings and Grounds Committee for report. Yours truly, JAMES M. WHITE, Supervising [Enclosure.] BIDS RECEIVED ON COMMERCE AND WOMAN'S On commerce building. $116,685 00 100,284 00 89,980 00 92,600 00 92,900 00 93,800 00 103,767 00 93,814 00 BUILDINGS. On woman's building. $103,596 00 96,135 00 85,960 00 86,600 00 81,336 00 85,850 00 89,777 00 87,385 00 Architect. Contractors. On both buildings. $217,281 00 194,769 00 175,940 00 178,000 00 174,236 00 178,500 00 198,000 00 179,000 00 Warner Construction Co M. Yeager & Son A. W. Stoolman V. Jobst & Sons. English Brothers W.M.Allen, Son & Co.. J. C. Robinson & Son... John M. Fairchild
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