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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1911] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 497 Salaries, College of Medicine—Concluded. Department of Bacteriology and Hygiene— Professor Adolph Gehrmann Graduate assistants Student assistants Department of Pharmacology and TherapeuticsProfessor Bernard Fantus Adjunct professor Graduate assistants Student assistants Department of Laboratory Diagnosis— Professor Stella M. Gardner. Assistant, Dr. Emery R. Hayhurst $800 00 300 00 200 00 $700 00 250 00 200 00 150 00 $800 00 300 00 Department of Biology, Embryology, and Histology— Professor Frank E. Wynekoop and assistants (in both medical and dentalI depts.) $1,900 00 Department of Surgical pathology— Graduate assistant, Dr. Walter C. Jones — 200 00 Library— $900 00 Metta M. Loomis, librarian 100 00 Student assistants Museum— James W. North, curator Richard R. Rupert, curator. Curators of Laboratories— Henry W. Cole, curator David D. Delzell, assistant curator. Student assistants, microscopes DispensaryMrs. Josephine Allen, nurse George N. Hiskey, druggist •Clinic Elizabeth N. Wolf, nurse Miscellaneous— Professor S. W. Shattuck, comptroller William H. Browne, superintendent Margaret I. Maloney, college clerk Mabel Arneson, stenographer Joseph S. Tomlinson, actuary's clerk James Southwell, engineer Two firemen One night engineer Eric Froberg, head janitor Four janitors One elevator man Extra help Total. $900 00 300 00 $720 00 360 00 50 00 $660 00 480 00 '. $ 720 00 *. 400 00 2,600 00 720 00 720 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,470 00 350 00 720 00 2,040 00 540 00 70 00. SALARIES, COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY. SALARIES FOR INSTRUCTION. George W. Cook (dean) professor of bacteriology, pathology, and therapeutics. Donald M. Gallie, professor of operative dentistry and operative technic George W. Dittmar, professor of prosthetic dentistry Charles E. Jones (secretary-registrar), professor of materia medica and therapeutics . Frederick B. Moorehead, professor of oral surgery James A. Burrill, professor of orthodontia , professor of general and regional anatomy. Jacob F . Burkholder, professor of physiology , professor of histology and microscopy (supplied from medical dept.) Elmer D. Brothers, professor of dental jurisprudence Roden R. Duff, professor of physical diagnosis and anesthesiology Warren C. Hawthorne, professor of chemistry $1,000 00 800 00 800 00 1,200 00 200 00 400 00 600 00 300 00 100 00 "466 66" —32 II
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