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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1911] ' PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OE TRUSTEES. 495 There were present Messrs. Abbott and Hatch, members of the committee, Mesdames Bahrenburg, Busey and Evans, and Mr. Hoit, members of the board, and President James. Professor J . M. White, supervising architect, and Mr. W. Carbys Zimmerman, State Architect, were also in attendance during a part of the meeting. E E P O R T OF C O M M I T T E E ON B U I L D I N G S AND GROUNDS. The following report of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds was received for record: CHICAGO, Sept. 26, 1911. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: Your Committee on Buildings and Grounds met at the Blackstone hotel in Chicago on this date, with the following members present: Mr. Abbott, chairman; Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans and Mr. Hatch. CONTRACT FOR COAL. Your committee voted to authorize the president and secretary of the board to sign a contract for. coal, for one year from Sept. 1, 1911, with the Electric Coal Company, of Danville, Illinois, in accordance with the terms of the bid submitted; at the rate, namely, of one dollar and twenty cents ($1.20) per ton for one and one-quarter inch screenings, and one dollar and fifty-five cents ($1.55) per ton for mine run coal, f. o. b. the University Boiler House, Urbana. This matter was referred to your committee, with power to act, at the meeting of Sept. 12, 1911 (page 476). PAVEMENT ACROSS CAMPUS AUTHORIZED. Your committee voted also to approve the request of the supervising architect for an appropriation of six hundred dollars ($600.00) from the State appropriation for pavements and walks, for the construction of a sixfoot concrete walk on the south side of the street'car track from Mathews avenue to Wright street on the line of California avenue and Daniel street. This matter, too, was referred to this committee, with power to act, at the meeting of Sept. 12, 1911 (page 477). Respectfully submitted, W. L. ABBOTT, MARY E, BUSEY, LAURA B. EVANS, FRED L. HATCH. EEPORT OF COMMITTEE ON COLLEGE OE M E D I C I N E . The following report of the Committee on the College of Medicine and the School of Pharmae}^ was received for record: COLLEGE OP MEDICINE BUDGET. CHICAGO, Sept. 26, 1911. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: Your committee on the College of Medicine and the School of Pharmacy has had under consideration the budget for the medical school which was presented by President James at the meeting of Sept. 12, 1911 (page 490).^ At a meeting held on this date at the Blackstone Hotel in Chicago, Mrs. Busey, chairman, and Mr. Abbott being present, the committee voted to
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