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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1911] PROCEEDIN'GS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. $ 56 00 300 99 1,955 00 2,965 00 26 75 29'00 6,119 11 725 00 3 00 20 25 12 10 120 00 26 50 79 86 22 50 161 78 225 07 30 00 78 25 669 19 342 60 13 09 61 50 7 50 1,372 63 81 77 242 20 4,187 50 1,658 75 439 00 100 00 57 09 485 Civil engineering department Crop experiment receipts Dairy investigation receipts Diplomas Electrical engineering laboratory Entomology laboratory Feeding experiment receipts Floriculture receipts General engineering drawing department Geology laboratory.., Hatch fund receipts Heat and light Household science department Incidentals Lockers Library and apparatus Mechanical engineering department Military Music, School of. Treatment of Orchards receipts Philology, Journal of Physical training, men Physics laboratory Psychology laboratory Snyder, Edward, fund, principal.' Snyder, Edward, fund, interest. Soil examination receipts Summer session fees University fees Water survey receipts 1 Woman's League Zoology laboratory $36,390 51 $51,055 71 • 1911. Apr. 22 May 5 June 16 June 29 REMITTANCES TO H. A. HAUGAN, TREASURER. Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago draft. draft. draft. draft. $10,077 7,000 10,120 10,000 03 00 00 00 $37,197 03 13,858 68 $51,055 71 Balance June 30, 1911. PAPER S—E. SNYDER DEPARTMENT STUDENTS' A I D L O A N S . 47|H. A. Beossat 61 F . H . R h e a 62|P. Vandervoort 71 C. M. Morris 73 D.M.Crawford 92|J.M.Boyle , 1121 0. P. Plummer. 115!Ralph A. Horr 126 Walter Billings 157 T. F . Dodd 162 Jeanette Edwards . . 165 E. W. McConoughey 166 W . H . A l m y 167 C. W. Garland 169 Ray L. Baker 170 F. F . Dodd 174 C. E. Waterhouse... 187 R. E. Sheriff. 1891 C. L. Harkness 194 E. W. Brown 1791T. B.Howser 19211. W. Dickerson $ 75 00 July 1, 1905 50 00 July 1, 1905 43 68 J u l y l , 1905 200 00 July 1, 1906 50 00 July 1, 1907 52 50 July 1, 1907 150 00 July 1, 1908 54 25 July 1, 1907 150 00 July 1, 1909 75 00 July 1, 1909 118 75 July 1, 1910 200 00 July 1, 1909 100 00 July 1, 1910 200 00 July 1, 1909 150 00 July 1, 1909 200 00 July 1, 1909 75 00 July 1, 1909 50 00 July 1, 1910 45 00 July 1,1910 100 00 July 1, 1911 100 00 July 1, 1911 150 00 July 1, 1911 July Jan. Jan. July Jan. July July July Jan. Jan. Jan. July Jan. July July Jan. Jan. Julv July Jan. Jan. July 1,1911 1,1904 1, 1911 1,-1904 1, 1911 1, 1910 1, 1908 1, 1909 1, 1911 1, 1911 1, 1911 1, 1908 1, 1912 1, 1911 1, 1909 1, 1911 1, 1912 1, 1909 1, 1910 1, 1912 1, 1912 1, 1909
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