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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
4-84 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. PAPER F — S C H O O L OF PHARMACY. June 30, 1911. Appropriated. $8,970 00 2,670 00 500 00 465 00 300 00 100 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 300 00 70 00 200 00 450 00 1,000 00 500 00 55 00 6,000 00 $23,580 00 [Sept. 12 Expended. $8,043 55 2,670 00 479 59 392 98 272 90 24 50 874 10 1,000 00 258 73 68 23 33 35 450 00 804 05 322 60 47 30 6,000 00 $21,741 88 Balance. $926 45 20 72 27 75 125 41 02 10 50 90 Salaries, instruction... Salaries, services Repairs Fuel and lights Printing and postage.. Water tax Apparatus Laboratories Laboratory refunds... Telephones Library Incidentals Advertising Furniture and fixtures Special assessment Rent 41 27 1 77 166 65 195 95 177 40 7 70 $1,838 12 PAPER Gr—COLLEGE June 30, 1911. Medical Department— Advertising Apparatus and materials. Dispensary Fuel and light Furniture and fixtures... Incidentals Laboratories • Laundry Library. Maternity hospital wards Museum*. Rent Salaries for instruction... Salaries for services Special appropriation.,.. Stationery and printing.. Dental Department— A dvertising Fuel and light Furniture and fixtures... Incidentals Laboratories Laundry • Salaries for instruction... Salaries for services Stationery and printing.. OF MEDICINE. Appropriated. Expended. Balance. $ 3,000 00 1,000 00 5J0 00 $ 1,400 19 996 98 5,000 00 200 00 2,700 00 6,000 00 500 00 300 00 1,200 00 300 00 19,500 00 13,805 00 17,159 92 5,000 00 500 00 1,100 00 1,000 00 100 00 475 00 2,400 00 250 00 9,960 00 2,220 00 200 00 $94,369 92 425 73 5,000 00 41 00 2,277 92 5,761 09 462 34 220 85 ' 816 54 280 40 14,750 00 12,917 50 14,205 55 2,436 56 471 55 284 17 972 20 21 60 450 50 2,312 96 269 73 8,870 02 $1,599 81 3 02 74 27 159 0ft 422 08 , 238 91 37 66 79 15 383 46 19 60 4,750 00 887 50 2,954 37 2,563 44 28 45 815 83 27 80 78 40 24 50 87.04 —19 73 1,089 98 366 70 152 75 $16,823 99 1,853 30 47 25 $77,545 93 PAPER L — R E C E I P T S AND REMITTANCES OF T H E C H I E F CLERK FOR T H E T H R E E M O N T H S ENDING J U N E 30, 1911. „ $14,665 20 Balance March 31, 1911 Accountancy Academy Agricultural College ... Applied mechanics laboratory. Architectural department Blue print department Botany laboratory Buildings and grounds Ceramics Chemistry $ 225 40 2 00 11,583 38 423 95 4 50 751 83 62 50 188 62 11 00 , 948 35
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