UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 [PAGE 246]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912
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U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S .

[Sept. 9

General University

No. Date. * To whom.


For what. Amo u n t .

1910. 245618 Wadsworth Howland Co 2457 H . F. Chester. 24581 ..do... Standard Oil Co 2459 W.F.Hardy 2460 ..do... L. M. Wooters 2461 ..do... R. C. Wagner & Son. 24621 ..do... National Engraving Co 2463 ..do... J. T. Ryerson & Son 2464 ..do... Wm. Price Estate 2465 ..do... Dean <£ Bode Mfg. Co.. ..do... 2466 j Dillavou & Dillavou.. 2467 ..do..,. Champaign Steam Laundry ..do... 24681 ..do... Illinois State Reformatory 24691 Leavitt Mfg." Co 2470 .-.do... Western Electric Co 2471 ..do... Mittendorf & Kiler 24721 ..do... Walker & Mulliken 2473 ..do... E. M. Burr & Co 2474 ..do... English Bros 2475 ..do... S. W. Shattuck 2476 ..do... O. E. Staples, chief clerk 2477 ..do... 0. E. Staples, chief clerk 2478 ..do... The Springfield News..." Sept. 10 2479 The Coal Trade Journal 2480 ..do. Commercial News 2481 ..do. Illinois State Journal 2482 ..do. ..do..... 1. P. Rosa, U. S. dispatch agent... 2483 Fred H. Rankin 2484 ..do Chas. B. Lee 2485 ..do B. T. Abbott 2486|..do O. D. Center 2487 ..do Chas. S. Lyles ..do 2488 W.C. Coffey ..do 2489 F. A. Hawley 2490 ..do W. B. W i l s o n . . . . . . . . . : . . 2491 ..do Julia E. Ware ..do 24921 ..do Marrs Tanner Electric Co . 2493 Allis Chalmers Co 2494 ..do Dr. Chas. Davidson ..do 24951 O. S. Watkins 2496 ..do R. B. Howe :. 2497 ..do. O. S. Fisher ..do. 2498 A. C. Durr ..do. 2499 O. E. Staples, chief clerk 2500 ..do. O. E. Stales, chief clerk 2501 ..do. W. W. Lindley, P. M ..do. 2502 Sept. 13 O. A. Harker 2503 T. A. Clark 2504 ..do.... W. H. Cain 2505 ..do.... R . T . S t u l l ..do.... 2506 R. R. Huddleson 2507 ..do.... Arthur Lumbrick 2508|..do.... Wm. Galliher ..do.... 2509 Stone 25101 ..do.... MissouriBros & Construction Co. English 2511 ..do.... G. E. Sterhert & C o . . . . , ..do.... 2512 National Live Stock Records 2513 ..do.... Galesburg Buggy Co 2514 ..do.... Aledo Brick & Tile Co ..do.... 2515 Chas. Campbell , 2516 ..do.... A. F. Gustafson 2517 ..do.... C. B. Crabtree ..do.... 2518| Alfred Bergren 2519 ..do.... J. G. Mosier 2520 ..do.... E. E. Hoskins ..do.... 2521 C. J. Alldritt. 2522 ..do.... Chas. Gunn 2523 ..do.... Leonard Duffield do.... 2524 E. E. White 2525 ..do.... F. W.Gault 2526 do.... W. G. Baird ..do.... 2527 E. H. Sargent & Co 2528 do.... G. E. Stechert & Co 2529 ..do.... The Gazette do.... 2530 T. Baker Chemical Co 25311 ..do.... C. M. McConn do....


Paint Drayage Oil Implements ; Envelope sealers... Coal Engravings Steel... Shades Lumber Implements Coupons Printing Steel Electric supplies Furniture ..do Ironwork Payment on contract.. Expenses ..do Freight Advertising ..do ..do ..do Express../ Expenses Expenses and services. ..do Services ..do ..do Concrete work Services ..do Payment on contract.. Expenses do do do. Metal work Student's payroll Men's payroll Postage Expenses do do 1 Stamps Expenses .'... do do Stone Payment on contract.. Books do Hardware Tile Expenses .do.. do... do do do do do..... do do do Photographs Supplies Books Printing Supplies



51 11 21 24 62 80 12 95 12 00 37 93 57 05 324 61 .9 25 48 05 16 75 29 70 361 95 130 21 156 80 210 46 108 95 452 89 9,959 07 12 29 52 05 285 65 9 30 4 75 9 60 8 00 1 50 43 89 20 00 20 00 17 53 6 55 •17 22 33 00 32 50 14 00 468 00 600. 00 46 76 20 22 36 02 39 14

57 49 285 85 242 47 168 40 21 94 22 54 2 15 2 00 11 77 14 47 66 03 510 00 2,627 89 438 51 10 00 91 80 252 30 43 53 90 18 58 15 36 50 36 42 28 30 12 50 75 50 16 00 347 59 66 33 23 00 53 80 334 31 497 50 376 26 7 04