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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
146 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 13 valuation of the taxable property of this State to be paid into the treasury of the State and set apart as a fund for the use and maintenance of the University of Illinois. SEC. 2. Such fund when so collected, paid in and set apart, shall remain in the treasury of the State until appropriated to the use of the said University of Illinois by Act of the General Assembly in accordance with section 18, article 4, of the Constitution of this State. Approved June 10, 19>11. ; P L Y M F E L L O W S H I P AWARDED. President James presented a letter from Professor Mann reporting t h a t the Francis J . Plym Fellowship Committee had conducted a competition for the Plym Fellowship for the year 1911-12, and had unanimously declared Mr. Donald Graham, '07, the winner of this competition, and recommended him for appointment to the Fellowship for the year. I t was voted t h a t this report be approved, and t h a t Mr. Donald Graham be appointed to the Francis J . Plym- Fellowship for the year 1911-12. O P T I O N S ON L A N D FOR E N G I N E E R I N G B U I L D I N G . President James presented a letter from the comptroller in regard to options which have been secured on four pieces of property in the tract of land bounded by .Mathews av., the Illinois Traction System tracks, Goodwin av., and Silver creek. I t was moved t h a t the proper officer of the board be authorized to close the options which have been obtained on the following described real estate, all situated in Champaign county, in the State of Illinois: Beginning eight (8) rods south of the northeast corner of lot one (1) of Wm. M. Goodwin's second addition to Urbana, thence west eight (8) rods, thence south one hundred (100) feet, thence east eight (8) rods, thence north one hundred (100) feet to the place of beginning. Beginning one hundred twenty-six (126) feet south of the northwest corner of lot two (2), in William M. Goodwin's second addition to the city of Urbana, thence east two (2) chains, thence south sixty-six (66) feet, thence west two (2) chains, thence north sixty-six (66) feet to the place of beginning. Beginning at the northeast corner of lot one (1) of Wm. M. Goodwin's second addition to Urbana running thence south eight (8) rods, thence west eight (8) rods, thence north eight (8) rods, thence east eight (8) rods to the place of beginning, lying in the city of Urbana. Commencing at a point 232 feet south of the northeast corner of lot one (1) of Wm. M. Goodwin's second addition to Urbana; thence west eight (8) rods, thence south sixty-five (65) feet; thence east eight (8) rods, thence north sixty-five (65) feet to place of beginning, being the residence property known as No. 507 S. Goodwin ave., Urbana, 111.' This motion was passed by the following vote: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Bahrenburg, Mrs.' Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Grout, Mr. Hatch, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Moore; noes, n o n e ; absent, Mr. Anthony, Mr. Blair, Mr. Deneen, Mr. Meeker.
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