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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

108 UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS. [April '27 A report was received; from the special committee to consider the appeal of Jas. Hall from the finding of the Examining Committee in Accountancy. After consideration, the Executive Committee approved the recommendation of the special committee. All of the papers in the case are attached hereto. ' Very truly yours, W. L. ABBOTT, Chairman, Executive Committee. CHICAGO, April 25, 1911. To the Board of Trustees, University of Illinois: Your special committee appointed to consider the appeal of James Hall from the finding of the Examining Board in Accountancy, held a meeting at the University on April 22d. Present: Mr. Hatch, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Abbott. Professor Robinson was also present. A letter from Mr. Ernest Reckitt was produced, to which was attached a copy of a letter from Mr. Arthur Young, of Chicago, and a copy of a letter from Messrs. Jno. Mann & Son, of Glasgow, Scotland, all testifying to the high commercial and moral standing of the accountancy firm of Messrs. Mackay, Irons & Company, Dundee, Scotland, which had testified regarding the employment and capability of James Hall previous to July 1, 1903. Prom the testimony contained in the letters referred to, the committee decided that it would be warranted in recommending that the board remand the case back to the University Committee, with the request that the case be re-opened for the consideration of the new evidence by Messrs. Mackay, Irons & Company. Respectfully submitted, FRED L. HATCH, Chairman, TREASURER'S REPORT. 8ub-Committee. The secretary presented also the report of the treasurer for the quarter ending March 3 1 , 1911, which was referred to the Finance Committee : H. A. HAUGAN, TREASURER/ IN ACCOUNT WITH THE UNIVERSITY OE ILLINOIS MARCH 31, 1911. Dr. 1910. $1,027,859 22 Dec. 31 Balance per last statement 1911. Jan. 3 Received from State Bank of Chicago six months' interest to January 1, 1911, on $4,000 bonds of College of Physicians and Surgeons, for, credit of College of Medicine fund $ 120 00 Received from W. B . Day, actuary, for credit of School of Pharmacy fund 235 00 Received from D. A. K. Steele, actuary, for credit of College of Medicine fund — 715 90 Received from D. A. K. Steele, actuary, fcr credit of College of Medicine fund ., 1,006 10 Received from W. B. Day, actuary, for credit of School of Pharmacy fund 220 00 Received from W. B. Day, actuary, for credit of School of Phar195 00 macy fund • , 16,200 24 Received from State Auditor, for credit of general fund 10 Received from W. B. Day, actuary, for credit of School of Phar155 00 macy fund
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